
假如你是班长李林现在请你写一个通知告诉同学们班级决定去ChangHong park
提示词:spring trip,sports,fun,rubbish
This is your monitor,Lilin.I hvae something to teii you.This Saturday ,April

Spring Trip Notice

Dear Classmates,
Our class is going to have a spring trip to Changhong Park on Saturday. Let us gather at school entrance at 7:00 am on April 30.
You can have lots of fun if you bring some sports facilitis such as badaminton racket,rope,small balls etc. with you. Don't be forget to bring some food & water to feed yourselves. At last,kind remind:Please don't litter for environment protection !
Let's enjoy our spring trip.
第1个回答  2012-02-21
Spring Trip Notice

Dear Classmates,
Our class is going to have a spring trip to Changhong Park on Saturday. Let us gather at school entrance at 7:00 am on April 30.
You can have lots of fun if you bring some sports facilitis such as badaminton racket,rope,small balls etc. with you. Don't be forget to bring some food & water to feed yourselves. At last,kind remind:Please don't litter for environment protection !
Let's enjoy our spring trip.
第2个回答  2009-02-19
NOTICE: School decided on Saturday morning in front of a collection in school to play ChongHong Park to Park after the Do not throw rubbish, should not leave Please classmate on time arrival