
作为学生,在学校一定要遵守学校纪律,请以Our School Rules 为题,写一篇短文来列举一些你们学校的校规,要求语气通顺,符合逻辑,不少于50词。初一范围之内。

Being a student, I have to obey our school rules. I have to get to school on time.and finish doing my homework carefully. All students must walk on the right-hand of the hall. Students shouldn't sit on the stairs or block the hallways. We shouldn't bring firworks, cigarettes, wine or dangerous weapons to school. We shouldn't ride bikes on the school ground.
第1个回答  2011-06-08
Have to do :
1\get to school on time
2\respect all the teachers
3\show your kind-heart to all creatures in the ground
4\say "hello" when notice any teacher in front of you

Can't do :
1\litter or spit in the schoolyard
2\fight with others
3\late for school
4\cheat at any examination
5\make noise everywhere
1.Don't eat in the classroom !
2.Don't listen to the music in the classroom or hallway!
3.Don't be late for school!
4.Don't speak loudly in classroom!
5.Clean the classroom every day!
6.Have to wear school uniform!
7.Respect your teachers!
8.Get on well with the classmates!
9.Protect the environment!
10.Be polite.