

The battle between bat and the Joker is the battle between two edges of humanity. Joker does have the right point, but Batman always wins.
The existance of the Joker could be seen as the marginal edge of the evil of humanity, instead of the representation of the evils, since he has been trying to examine the validity of the other individuals.
However he based on the wrong theory, which leads to the invalidity of his conclusion. Seeing the fact that the real criminals dumping the detonator that could save their lives by killing others, while the real civilians still fighting each other to decide whether to press the button, there's a strong contrast rooted deep inside down the heart of the audiences.
In a civilized society, a man who always operate under their own principles without breaking them can always win. It's not a battle of life and death. The Joker could drag Harvery Dent down to his level, but he could never corrupt Batman. As a matter of fact, the real justice can never be destroyed.

第1个回答  2013-04-06
Batman and the Joker is a human nature is good or evil debate, to be a clown, win but must be batman.
The clown's presence, and that is the representative of evil forces, is not considered a source of evil human nature, he has been verified the correctness of his life proposition.
But based on his theory is wrong, the result will not be the natural right, but see the so-called criminals will trigger the other boat into the sea and the general public still aboard a debate over whether to press the detonator before each other when the other side, the invisible formed a sharp contrast, exists in the audience's heart.
In civilized society, the real winning is not the so-called fight at outrance, but who can't hold on his principles. The clown successful intensified Dent failed to hit Batman, perhaps this is the so-called justice will never fall.追问

- - 你感觉通哇。。。win but must be batman.。。。。。


but batman always win。。楼主其实是我图省事=_=哪不通顺我都帮你重新翻一下好了
