Lesson3:Getting to Know you这篇课文的中文翻译


Danny, Brian and Jenny have Miss Cox for English class. 丹尼,布赖恩和珍妮的英语老师是科克斯小姐。
Today Miss Cox has a surprise. 今天科克斯小姐有一个惊喜。
"I want you to talk to a classmate. “我想让你们和一位同学交谈.
Then I want you to write about him or her." 然后我想让你们写写有关他或她的事情。”
Danny wants to talk to Sandra, a new student in the class, 丹尼想和班上的新同学桑德拉交谈,
but he is a little scared. 但是他有一点儿害怕。
Hello. 喂,
How do you do? 你好!
My name is Danny. 我是丹尼。
I'm a student here. 我是这儿的一名学生。
Can I talk to you? 我可以和你谈谈吗?
Glad to meet you, Danny. 很高兴见到你,丹尼。
I know you're a student here. 我知道你是这儿的一名学生。
Sure, you can talk to me! 你当然可以和我谈话!
Thanks! 谢谢!
Let's see ... what's my first question? 那么……我的第一个问题是什么?
Oh, yes. 噢,是的。
What is your name, Sandra? 桑德拉,你叫什么名字?
My name is Sandra! 我叫桑德拉!
Oh! Let me write that down. 噢!我记下来。
What things do you love, Sandra? 桑德拉,你喜爱什么东西?
I love the colour green. 我喜欢绿色。
Really? 真的吗?
Me, too! 我也是!
What foods do you love? 你爱吃什么食物?
I love to eat many different foods. 我爱吃很多种食物。
I like donuts best. 我最爱油炸圈饼。
Me, too! 我也是!
I also love grapes, apples, ice cream, noodles, bananas, cake, pizza, hot dogs ... 我还爱葡萄、苹果、冰淇淋、面条、香蕉、蛋糕、比萨饼、热狗……
Now I see! 我明白了!
Danny likes food! 丹尼喜欢食物!
What's your next question? 你下一个问题是什么?
Oh! 噢!
Here's my next question. 我的下一个问题来了。
What do you dislike? 你不喜欢什么?
I hate rain. 我讨厌下雨。
I don't like Mondays. 我不喜欢周一。
And I never wear purple clothes. 我从不穿紫色衣服。
I don't like rain, either. 我也不喜欢雨。
What are your interests? 你有什么兴趣?
What do you like to do after school? 放学后你喜欢做什么?
I play the violin. 我拉小提琴。
I love music. 我喜欢音乐。
I also like going for walks. 我还喜欢散步。
What do you hate to do? 你不喜欢干什么?
I hate to comb my hair! 我讨厌梳头!
And I hate getting out of bed sometimes. 我有时不喜欢起床。
I have one more question. 我还有一个问题。
Do you like dinosaurs? 你喜欢恐龙吗?
Yes, I do! 是的,我喜欢!