英语翻译 要自己翻译的

I was on the escalator in a market. Therewas an old man who was about five or six people in the front of me. Peoplebehind him were all in a hurry and saw him as a rock. The old man knew theseclearly and tried hard to step aside.
I remember…Sometimes when walking ordriving behind an older person, I’ve gotten impatient and upset.
“I’m sorry. Please forgive me!” said theold man, “I don’t mean to hold you up.” He then tried his best to get off theescalator.
I suddenly saw this in a whole new light. Ifelt sick to my stomach. The old man was apologizing to everyone, when weshould have helped him to calm his fears.
One by one, people went around him quickly.By the time I got to him, I asked,“Sir, can I help you?”
The man thought for a while, then said,“Well, yes, thank you!”
I placed my hand under his left arm andwalked away from the rush of people quickly.
“So what are you shopping for, sir?”
“Oh, today is Mother’s Day. I want to buysomething for my neighbor. She’s a single mother and she is always so nice to me.” he said, stoppingsuddenly as he searched his pocket.
“Oh, it’s here! I always carry them withme,” he said. Then he took out some business cards and handed me one whichread:
“John Smith.
Friend to all…enemy to no one!
Isaid a prayer today and you were the answer.
Thank you!”
“That’s for you,” he said. “Thanks forstopping to help an old man.”
“My friend, you helped me. I discovered whyI was unhappy with the world. Now I know how to solve the problem. No more with me!”

第1个回答  2013-05-14
”哦,在这儿,我总是把它们带在身边。“他说道。然后他拿出了一些名片,然后给了我一张,上面写着"john Smith.

第2个回答  2013-05-14
I was on the escalator in a market. Therewas an old man who was about five or six people in the front of me. Peoplebehind him were all in a hurry and saw him as a rock. The old man knew theseclearly and tried hard to step aside.
I remember…Sometimes when walking ordriving behind an older person, I`ve gotten impatient and upset.
“I’m sorry. Please forgive me!” said theold man, “I don’t mean to hold you up.” He then tried his best to get off theescalator.
I suddenly saw this in a whole new light. Ifelt sick to my stomach. The old man was apologizing to everyone, when weshould have helped him to calm his fears.
One by one, people went around him quickly.By the time I got to him, I asked,“Sir, can I help you?”
The man thought for a while, then said,“Well, yes, thank you!”
I placed my hand under his left arm andwalked away from the rush of people quickly.
“So what are you shopping for, sir?”
“Oh, today is Mother’s Day. I want to buysomething for my neighbor. She’s a single mother and she is always so nice to me.” he said, stoppingsuddenly as he searched his pocket.
“Oh, it’s here! I always carry them withme,” he said. Then he took out some business cards and handed me one whichread:
“John Smith.
Friend to all…enemy to no one!
Isaid a prayer today and you were the answer.
Thank you!”
“That’s for you,” he said. “Thanks forstopping to help an old man.”
“My friend, you helped me. I discovered whyI was unhappy with the world. Now I know how to solve the problem. No more with me!”

第3个回答  2013-05-14
第4个回答  2013-05-14