part of apart of的区别


part of与a part of同义。
如: This book like (a) part of the broken cup.
This is only (a) part of it; where’s the rest?

但是,part of比a part of通常更为多用,而且a part of有“一小部分”的含义。
再如: Falling over is part of learning how to ski.
Only (a) part of his story is true.
There is but one china and Taiwan is part of chaia.

应该注意的是,在使用(a) part of …时,of之后的名词若是单数,通常谓语也就视为单数,同样,of之后的名词若是复数,通常谓语也视为复数。
如:This piece of glass seems to be (a) part of a lamp.
Part of the passengers were injured in the accident
第1个回答  2013-06-18
一、含义相同,意为"部分",用作单数时,常不用冠词a,如:We spent part of our holiday in France.我们假期一段时间是在法国度过的.
二、含义不同,a part of 意为……的一部分; part of意为成员.如:We'd like you to feel your're part of the family.希望你能感到像一家人一样.
a part of a body 身体的一部分.