
There is a washing line for every flat in the garden next to the car park. Please only dry your washing on these lines so it does not disturb(干扰)people in the ground floor flats.
People should dry their washing on the watching lines ______. A. at the car park B. in the ground floor flats C. in the hallways D. in the garden


A. 首先搞清晾衣绳( the washing lines )在哪
看第一句可知晾衣绳(a washing line )是在停车场 (the car park)附近的花园里( in the garden ), 不是在 停车场(the car park)。

B, 看清题目要求:
题目说是要把所洗之物凉在晾衣绳 ( the washing lines) 上, 可见是选D(在花园)了

第1个回答  2013-05-28
in the garden next to the car park这是地点状语
next to the car park是定语 修饰 the garden
原句 简写为There is a washing line in the garden 。
因为问句问的是 应该在哪儿 的凉衣绳上 凉所洗 衣服
所以答案是 D 在花园里
不是A 在停车场
第2个回答  2013-05-28
a washing line 是 next to the car park,所以A不对
a washing line 是 in the garden,D正确
不是a washing line 而是 people ,in the ground floor flats, B不对

in the hallways 根本没出现,C不对
第3个回答  2013-05-28
因为a washing line 是在garden. Look at the first sentence: There is a washing line in the garden.所以选D。