
Brady soon acquired a reputation as one of America's greatest photographers -- producer of portraits of the famous. In 1856, he opened a studio in Washington, D.C., the better to photograph the nation's leaders and foreign dignitaries. As he himself said, "From the first, I regarded myself as under obligation to my country to preserve the faces of its historic men and mothers." He became one of the first photographers to use photography to chronicle national history.
At the peak of his success as a portrait photographer, Brady turned his attention to the Civil War. Planning to document the war on a grand scale, he organized a corps of photographers to follow the troops in the field. Friends tried to discourage him, citing battlefield dangers and financial risks, but Brady persisted. He later said, "I had to go. A spirit in my feet said 'Go,' and I went."
Mathew Brady did not actually shoot many of the Civil War photographs attributed to him. More of a project manager, he spent most of his time supervising his corps of traveling photographers, preserving their negatives and buying others from private photographers freshly returned from the battlefield, so that his collection would be as comprehensive as possible. When photographs from his collection were published, whether printed by Brady or adapted as engravings in publications, they were credited "Photograph by Brady," although they were actually the work of many people.
In 1862, Brady shocked America by displaying his photographs of battlefield corpses from Antietam, posting a sign on the door of his New York gallery that read, "The Dead of Antietam."
This exhibition marked the first time most people witnessed the carnage of war. The New York Times said that Brady had brought "home to us the terrible reality and earnestness of war."
After the Civil War, Brady found that war-weary Americans were no longer interested in purchasing photographs of the recent bloody conflict. Having risked his fortune on his Civil War enterprise, Brady lost the gamble and fell into bankruptcy. His negatives were neglected until 1875, when Congress purchased the entire archive for $25,000.
Brady's debts swallowed the entire sum. He died in 1896, penniless and unappreciated. In his final years, Brady said, "No one will ever know what I went through to secure those negatives. The world can never appreciate it. It changed the whole course of my life." Despite his financial failure, Mathew Brady had a great and lasting effect on the art of photography. His war scenes demonstrated that photographs could be more than posed portraits, and his efforts represent the first instance of the comprehensive photo-documentation of a war.
大家帮忙翻译一下吧~~谢谢! Mathew Brady的传记

Brady soon acquired a reputation as one of America's greatest photographers -- producer of portraits of the famous.

In 1856, he opened a studio in Washington, D.C., the better to photograph the nation's leaders and foreign dignitaries.

As he himself said, "From the first, I regarded myself as under obligation to my country to preserve the faces of its historic men and mothers."

He became one of the first photographers to use photography to chronicle national history.

At the peak of his success as a portrait photographer, Brady turned his attention to the Civil War.

Planning to document the war on a grand scale, he organized a corps of photographers to follow the troops in the field.

Friends tried to discourage him, citing battlefield dangers and financial risks, but Brady persisted. He later said, "I had to go. A spirit in my feet said 'Go,' and I went."

Mathew Brady did not actually shoot many of the Civil War photographs attributed to him. More of a project manager, he spent most of his time supervising his corps of traveling photographers, preserving their negatives and buying others from private photographers freshly returned from the battlefield, so that his collection would be as comprehensive as possible.
Mathew Brady并没有真正地拍到许多南北战争的照片,他更像是一个(管理摄影团队的)项目经理。他把大多数时间花在了管理他的摄影团队身上,保存他们摄过的底片,从其他的刚才火线下来的私人摄影家那里购买底片,他收藏的底片内容就极大丰富了。

When photographs from his collection were published, whether printed by Brady or adapted as engravings in publications, they were credited "Photograph by Brady," although they were actually the work of many people.

In 1862, Brady shocked America by displaying his photographs of battlefield corpses from Antietam, posting a sign on the door of his New York gallery that read, "The Dead of Antietam."

1862年,Mathew Brady轰动了整个美国,他展示了他的关于在Antietam的战场尸体的照片,并在他纽约市的画廊门上打了一个醒目的标语“Antietam的死尸”

This exhibition marked the first time most people witnessed the carnage of war. The New York Times said that Brady had brought "home to us the terrible reality and earnestness of war."
这次展览标志了第一次大众见证了战争大屠杀。纽约时代杂志写到:Brady 将“恐怖的现实和战争的严肃”真实地展示给我们。

After the Civil War, Brady found that war-weary Americans were no longer interested in purchasing photographs of the recent bloody conflict. Having risked his fortune on his Civil War enterprise, Brady lost the gamble and fell into bankruptcy.

His negatives were neglected until 1875, when Congress purchased the entire archive for $25,000.Brady's debts swallowed the entire sum.
知道1875年,他那些被世人遗忘相片底片才重见天日,尽管美国国会耗资两万五千美金购买下他所有的底片,Brady 仍资不抵债。

He died in 1896, penniless and unappreciated. In his final years, Brady said, "No one will ever know what I went through to secure those negatives. The world can never appreciate.it canged the whole course of my life." 他穷困潦倒,郁郁不得志,于1986年遗憾地离开人世,在他的垂暮之年, Brady曾说过“没有一个人清楚我是如何保护我那些底片的,这个世界没人会欣赏它们,它们改变了我的人生之路。”

Despite his financial failure, Mathew Brady had a great and lasting effect on the art of photography. His war scenes demonstrated that photographs could be more than posed portraits, and his efforts represent the first instance of the comprehensive photo-documentation of a war.
尽管Mathew Brady在钱财投资方面是失败者,但他对摄影艺术做出了伟大而经久不衰的贡献。他摄下的战争场面证明了相片比空有架势的雕像更好,他的成就开创了用全方位照片记录的方式记录一场战争的先河。