
1.These books are overdue.__you do not take them back to the library tomorrow, you will have to pay a fine.
A. When
B. If
C. Since
D. Even if
2.John__home; Mary asked him to cook supper for the family.
A. arrived
B. had arrived
C. to arrive
D. arriving
3.Liz__Paul as soon as they met at the party last Sunday.
A. took at
B. took to
C. took place
D. took upon
4.Though he was born and___in America, Tony can speak fluent Chinese.
A. watched over D
B. drawn up
C. brought up
D. filled out
5.The regulations ___that all students should attend at least 90 percent of the lectures
A. require
B. conduct
C. apply
D. charge
6. Michelle is very nervous because his suggestion__at the meeting now.
A. is discussed
B. is discussing
C. is being discussed
D. discusses
7.The manager asked me if I had any idea how to__the sales of this product.
A. decrease
B. rise
C. produce
D. promote
8.The violence in that country got worse ______ the election approched.
A. though
B. if
C. as
D. that
9. The war brought about an oil shortage which ___gas prices ___by 50 cents a gallon.
A. drove ... to
B. drove... up
C. drove...out
D. drove... off
10.In the United States, professors have many other duties___teaching, such as administrative or research work.
A. but
B. except for
C. with
D. in addtion to
11.Beneath the streets of the modern city___the walls and houses of the ancient town of the Ming Dynasty.
A. exist
B. does exist
C. are existed
D. existing
12.He is ______ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olymp ics next year.A. optimistic
B. optional
C. otustanding
D. obvious

1.These books are overdue._B_you do not take them back to the library tomorrow, you will have to pay a fine.
A. When
B. If
C. Since
D. Even if
答案解析:以上考察是一个条件状语从句,这些书已经过期.如果你不把它们带回图书馆,你必须支付罚款 (主将从现的用法)因此答案为B

2.John_D_home; Mary asked him to cook supper for the family.
A. arrived
B. had arrived
C. to arrive
D. arriving
答案解析:以上考察是独立主格结构,现在分词逻辑带有自己主语,不需要和句子主语公用一个主语用法, (分词自带自己逻辑主语用法称为独立主格结构)因此答案为D
3.Liz__Paul as soon as they met at the party last Sunday.
A. took at
B. took to
C. took place
D. took upon
答案解析:以上是考擦短语用法,根据意思,LIZ 和PAUL 上个星期在一个聚会遇见时,LIZ 就喜欢上了PAUL, 只有答案为B 是这个意思 喜欢的意思
4.Though he was born and___in America, Tony can speak fluent Chinese.
A. watched over D
B. drawn up
C. brought up
D. filled out
答案解析:以上是考擦短语动词意思,只有C 答案抚养长达的意思,尽管他生在美国,长也在美国,TONY 能讲流利中文,
5.The regulations ___that all students should attend at least 90 percent of the lectures
A. require
B. conduct
C. apply
D. charge
答案解析:以上考察虚拟语气用法只有A 答案引导宾语从句从句需要用虚拟语气,SHOULD +动词原形
6. Michelle is very nervous because his suggestion__at the meeting now.
A. is discussed
B. is discussing
C. is being discussed
D. discusses
7.The manager asked me if I had any idea how to__the sales of this product.
A. decrease
B. rise
C. produce
D. promote
8.The violence in that country got worse ______ the election approched.
A. though
B. if
C. as
D. that
答案解析:靠查A 引导时间状语从句,
9. The war brought about an oil shortage which ___gas prices ___by 50 cents a gallon.
A. drove ... to
B. drove... up
C. drove...out
D. drove... off
答案解析:DRIVE STH UP ,是某事涨价了,答案为B
10.In the United States, professors have many other duties___teaching, such as administrative or research work.
A. but
B. except for
C. with
D. in addtion to
答案解析:IN ADDITION TO ,除了某事之外,还有其它事情;答案为D
11.Beneath the streets of the modern city___the walls and houses of the ancient town of the Ming Dynasty.
A. exist
B. does exist
C. are existed
D. existing
12.He is ______ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olymp ics next year.
A. optimistic
B. optional
C. otustanding
D. obvious答案解析:根据句子意思,乐观的,答案为A
第1个回答  2013-06-21



    B,  take to有喜欢的意思

    C, 养育

    A  要求

    C   建议正在被讨论

    B  ,rise上升,增加销售额,promote提升,一般职位用的多

    C    as 当~~~时

    B 使上升

    D 除此之外



第2个回答  2013-06-21













第3个回答  2013-06-21
1.B. If

2.D. arriving这是现在分词的 独立主格结构 作状语
3.B. took to喜爱、亲近

4.C. brought up

5.A. require

6. C. is being discussed

7.D. promote
8.A. though

9. B. drove... up

10.D. in addtion to
11.A. exist这是完全倒装句

12.A. optimistic

第4个回答  2013-06-21
B. if
B. had arrived
D. took upon
C. brought up
C. is being discussed
D. promote
C. as
B. drove up
D. in addition to
A. exist
A. optimistic