求英语高手翻译 很急,万分感谢!

“请告诉我,你电脑里显示的我们公司邮箱是不是************@live.com,如果是的,请不要和他联系,他是一个骗子, 我们正确的邮箱是***********************************,请小心骗子,谢谢!

"Please notise me that whether our E-mail address shown in your computer is ************@live.com. If it is, please do not contact him at once. That could be a hacker.
Our E-mail address is ***********************************.
Please be aware of it.
Thank you."
第1个回答  2013-11-06
Please tell me whether the email of our company showed in your computer is [email protected]. If yes, please do not contact him, he is a liar. Our true email is ....... Please be careful. Thank you.