有一个男孩 很喜欢那个女孩 但那个女孩不喜欢却不喜欢那个男孩 但那个男孩不会放弃的! 求英文翻译。


There is a boy like that girl but that girl doesn't like but don't like the boy, but the boy won't give up! 呵呵 挺浪漫的啊~
第1个回答  2011-10-15
Though a boy does like a girl very much,the girl doesn't fancy him.But the boy wouldn't give up whatever.
第2个回答  2011-10-15
A boy loves a girl very much ,but the girl don't like him at all. Anyhow the boy will not give up !
第3个回答  2011-10-15
There is a boy like that girl , but the girl did not like the boy , but the boy wno`t give up!
第4个回答  2011-10-15
A boy have fallen in love with a girl.However,the girl doesn't like the boy.But the boy will never give up pursuing her. 2、3楼的好像有语法错误来着。
第5个回答  2011-10-15
A boy carried a torch for a girl who doesn't love him,but he won't give up pursuing her.      说明:carry a torch for sb.是指某人对另外一人的暗恋,pursue是追求用的意思