
1.Describe a time when you have persevered against the odds and overcome obstacles to achieve a goal. Explain how you approached the situation, what difficulties you were faced with and what the outcome was.

2. Give an example of an idea you have had for improving performance or doing something better. Explain how you came up with the idea, how you implemented it and what benefits it has produced.

3.Give an example of when it has been crucial for you to build a strong relationship with members of a wider team. Explain why this relationship was important, what you did to build it and how it helped you achieve your objectives.

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1.There was a time I lost my way around outskirt.I was about to return to village after dusk but the charming scene at river made me linger longer.Then darkness came,quicker than i expected,and engulfed the surrounding.It was supposed to be easy to find my way back in the aid of day light but now I could hardly recognize the circumstance around me.I groped along the rive bank.I knew there was no dangerous animal lurking around.This encouraged me to move slowly and carefully not to miss any sign that can lead me home. With the aid of moonlight ,though faint,i could vaugely see a light glimmering from not so far.It was the candle hanging on one of the iron gate which the local used to help lost to find their track. I knew it because the time I spent with local dwellers otherwise i would become those lost travellers who thought the light came from a ghost.

2.My own way to solve a particular problem can be divided into 3 steps.Firstly, I will study carefully what the problem is and identify the principal difficulty.This allows me to go straight to the main point and avoid other peripheral factors.Secondly, I will find a way to solve the problem.And thirdly,the improvement of current soultion. The most common way i used is the idiom widely believed "practice makes perfect".I will also study the way how the other people came up to work the problem out. The purpose of that is to inspire me of a new method to do it better instead of copying excatly how they did it.If I had a team,it would be much easier to improve the situation by brainstorming and this is what I have been doing so far.The ideas we learned from each other not only apply to 1 single problem but also the problem we might faced in future.

3.I have been in a team for 2 years since i was 11th grade.They recruited me the moment I stepped into high school.The main purpose of having such team is to work out the complaint the school adiministration received from students.The common method we adapted is brainstorming and more often than not following with,unavoidablly,arguments. To hold on such the relationship we need to learn to compromise and most importantly the art of listening.I listen when others talk so dose the rest of my team members.We wont stop anyone who is still talking until he or she finished.This is a repsect we showed to them by not interupting.We then become an efficient teams capable of tackling all the difficulties our schoolfellow faced.

第1个回答  2011-10-23
1.There was a time I lost my way around outskirt.I was about to return to village after dusk but the charming scene at river made me linger longer.Then darkness came,quicker than i expected,and engulfed the surrounding.It was supposed to be easy to find my way back in the aid of day light but now I could hardly recognize the circumstance around me.I groped along the rive bank.I knew there was no dangerous animal lurking around.This encouraged me to move slowly and carefully not to miss any sign that can lead me home. With the aid of moonlight ,though faint,i could vaugely see a light glimmering from not so far.It was the candle hanging on one of the iron gate which the local used to help lost to find their track. I knew it because the time I spent with local dwellers otherwise i would become those lost travellers who thought the light came from a ghost.

2.My own way to solve a particular problem can be divided into 3 steps.Firstly, I will study carefully what the problem is and identify the principal difficulty.This allows me to go straight to the main point and avoid other peripheral factors.Secondly, I will find a way to solve the problem.And thirdly,the improvement of current soultion. The most common way i used is the idiom widely believed "practice makes perfect".I will also study the way how the other people came up to work the problem out. The purpose of that is to inspire me of a new method to do it better instead of copying excatly how they did it.If I had a team,it would be much easier to improve the situation by brainstorming and this is what I have been doing so far.The ideas we learned from each other not only apply to 1 single problem but also the problem we might faced in future.

3.I have been in a team for 2 years since i was 11th grade.They recruited me the moment I stepped into high school.The main purpose of having such team is to work out the complaint the school adiministration received from students.The common method we adapted is brainstorming and more often than not following with,unavoidablly,arguments. To hold on such the relationship we need to learn to compromise and most importantly the art of listening.I listen when others talk so dose the rest of my team members.We wont stop anyone who is still talking until he or she finished.This is a repsect we showed to them by not interupting.We then become an efficient teams capable of tackling all the difficulties our schoolfellow faced.
第2个回答  2011-10-17
第3个回答  2011-10-17
1. 描述一个你冲破重重困难,克服一切阻碍最终达成目标的事例。解释一下你是如何对待当时的情形的,面临什么样的困难并且最终结果如何。
2. 列举一个你在改善绩效时或想把事情做得更好时的创意。
3. 列举一个你想跟某个更广泛的团队中的成员建立良好关系的关键时刻。解释为什么这种关系如此重要,你为建立关系做了些什么以及它如何帮助你完成目标的。
第4个回答  2011-10-26
I think you should do this for yourself.
Because this is yours experience.
Trust me.
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