
mobile homes,pulled by specially designed trucks have been increasing in numbers all over the united states. often,driving along,you can see some mobile homes high on a river or a lake. they're wonderfully built homes. sometimes they're as much as 40 feet long,with two to five rooms,and you can find many things you need in them. when you park your mobile home,water,electricity power and telephones are connected,and you can enjoy yourself there.
why does a family choose to live in such a home?well,it's comfortable,easy to keep clean,easy to keep warm,no need to paint. what's more,the fast increase of mobile homes in numbers has something to do with the job uncertainty. nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. if a factory closes down,you may be trapped with the house you can't sell. however,if you have a mobile home,you can move on easily.

. 可移式住宅,被特别设计为可以推动的小平车,在全美国的数量越来越多了,通常,沿路驾车行驶,你会在湖边和河边看到许多这样的可移动小房子,它们被建为漂亮的房子状,有的甚至是40多英尺长的,两到五间的房子,你可以在里面找到许多你需要的东西。当你停车在可移动房子的时候,水,电,电话都是连接的,你可以在那好好享受了。
第1个回答  2011-10-15