
我现在读大二 建筑学
大三念完去美国留学 从大三读起
大一GPA3.6和3.52 雅思6.5应该没问题
在学校担任社会实践部部长 有点组织能力 也参加过很多志愿者活动 美术能力还不错
请问下我这样的情况可以申请哪些好点的建筑学好的本科哈 十分感觉~~~

你可以申请一些美国建筑协会认证的学校。像雪城大学 UIUC 弗吉尼亚理工 这些都是建筑比较好的学校,也适合你目前的情况。下面是美国本科建筑学的排名:
Undergraduate1. Cornell University 康奈尔大学2. Rice University莱斯大学3. Syracuse University雪城大学4. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University弗吉尼亚理工大学5. Rhode Island School of Design罗德岛设计学院6. Auburn University奥本大学6. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo加州州立理工大学6. University of Kansas康萨斯大学9. University of Texas at Austin德州大学奥斯汀分校10. Carnegie Mellon University卡耐基梅隆大学11. University of Notre Dame圣母大学12. Kansas State University康萨斯州立大学13. Illinois Institute of Technology伊利诺理工大学14. Iowa State University爱荷华州立大学14. Pratt Institute帕拉特学院14. University of Oregon俄勒冈大学14. University of Southern California南加州大学
第1个回答  2011-11-08
第2个回答  2011-11-08
选择美国建筑学院Bachelor of Architecture,请务必先了解NAAB(National Architectural Accrediting Board)这个机构,选择被这个机构认证的BA项目才能在美国考取注册建筑师。美国的建筑学学士跟中国一样,为五年制。跟申请Freshman不同,你希望以转学生身份申请,因此作品集对你来说是必要提供的申请材料,这份材料直接决定了你可以申请的学校类型。另外,你还需要提供你大学的成绩单,某些学校还要求提供高中毕业证和高中成绩单,同时还需要提供托福成绩,一般而言,最低要求在79-100分,如果只考虑申请美国的大学,我建议你不考雅思,而考托福。特别要注意的是,建筑学专业的截止日期比其他专业要早,通常在11月-12月就截止了,请提前准备。
第3个回答  2011-11-08
面是由普林斯顿评论发布的2011年美国大学研究生艺术与建筑Arts and Architecture专业排名中关于建筑Architecture专业的排名情况

  Academy of Art University | Graduate Admissions

  San Francisco, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Auburn University | College of Architecture, Design, & Construction

  Auburn University, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Ball State University | College of Architecture & Planning

  Muncie, USA

  Degrees: Master's, Doctorate

  Bennington College | Graduate Programs

  Bennington, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Clemson University | College of Architecture, Arts, & Humanities

  Clemson, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Columbia University | Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, & Preservation

  New York, USA

  Degrees: Master's, Doctorate

  Cranbrook Academy of Art | Graduate Programs

  Bloomfield Hills, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  CUNY City College | College of Liberal Arts & Science

  New York, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Drexel University | College of Engineering

  Philadelphia, USA

  Degrees: Professional

  Drexel University | College of Media Arts & Design

  Philadelphia, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Florida International University | School of Architecture

  Miami, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Georgia Institute of Technology | College of Architecture

  Atlanta, USA

  Degrees: Master's, Professional

  Harvard University | Graduate School of Design

  Cambridge, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Illinois Institute of Technology | Armour College of Engineering & College of Science and Letters

  Chicago, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Illinois Institute of Technology | College of Architecture

  Chicago, USA

  Degrees: Master's, Professional

  Kansas State University | College of Architecture, Planning, & Design

  Manhattan, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Kansas State University | College of Engineering

  Manhattan, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology | School of Architecture and Planning

  Cambridge, USA

  Degrees: Master's, Professional

  Morgan State University | School of Graduate Studies

  Baltimore, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  New Jersey Institute of Technology | New Jersey School of Architecture

  Newark, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  North Carolina State University | College of Design

  Raleigh, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Northeastern University | Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

  Boston, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Pratt Institute | School of Architecture

  Brooklyn, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Princeton University | Graduate School

  Princeton, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Rhode Island School of Design | Graduate Studies

  Providence, USADegrees: Master's

  SUNY at Buffalo | School of Architecture & Planning

  Buffalo, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  SUNY at Buffalo

  Degrees: Master's

  Texas Tech University | College of Architecture

  Lubbock, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  The Catholic University of America | School of Architecture and Planning

  Washington, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  The Ohio State University - Columbus | College of Engineering

  Columbus, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  University of California, Berkeley | College of Environmental Design - Department of Architecture

  Berkeley, USA

  Degrees: Master's, Doctorate, Professional

  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | School of Music

  Urbana, USA

  Degrees: Master's, Professional

  University of Kansas | School of Engineering

  Lawrence, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  University of Maryland, College Park | School of Architecture

  College Park, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  University of Missouri - Columbia | College of Human Environmental Sciences

  Columbia, USA

  Degrees: Master's, Professional

  University of Nebraska-Lincoln | College of Engineering

  Lincoln, USA

  Degrees: Master's, Professional

  University of Pennsylvania | School of Design

  Philadelphia, USA

  Degrees: Master's, Doctorate, Professional

  University of Southern California | School of Architecture

  Los Angeles, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  University of Texas at Arlington | School of Architecture

  Arlington, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  University of Texas at Austin | College of Engineering

  Austin, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  University of Texas at Austin | School of Architecture

  Austin, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  University of Texas at San Antonio

  Degrees: Master's

  University of Virginia | School of Architecture

  Charlottesville, USA

  Degrees: Master's, Doctorate

  Washington State University | College of Engineering & Architecture

  Pullman, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Washington University | Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts/Graduate Program in Architecture & Urban Design

  St. Louis, USA

  Degrees: Master's

  Yale University | School of Architecture

  New Haven, USA

  Degrees: Master's
第4个回答  2011-11-08