
Monkey Drives Dinosaur Game Extinct
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and DND Imports of Los Angeles recently announced a voluntary recall of something called the Dinosaur Era 2 Hunting Dinosaur playset. Because the monkey contained too much lead. Yes, the monkey. Each set includes a dinosaur. A helicopter. Trees. A hunter. A monkey. And various hunting equipment.
Clearly, time travel is involved. Because how else do you have this particular assortment of organisms in the same place, outside of a creationism museum? Now, if I were a time-traveling hunter looking to live out Ray Bradbury’s story A Sound of Thunder, and bag a dinosaur way back when, I wouldn’t bring a monkey. What’s he going to do, carry the guns? Really bad lesson for the kids. Maybe the idea is to shoot the dinosaur from the helicopter. Which leaves the monkey as the pilot. Another terrible example for children. Seriously, if they ever invent a time machine, they should slap a big warning label on it that says, CAUTION, NO MONKEYS. Also a good policy for DND Imports.

美国消费者产品安全委员会和DND进口洛杉矶最近公布了一项自愿召回什麽叫做恐龙时代的恐龙playset 2打猎。因为猴子铅含量过高。是的,这只猴子。每套包括一只恐龙。一架直升飞机。树木。一个猎人。一只猴子。设备和各种打猎。
第1个回答  2011-11-06