
Harry Kloor: Hollywood’s favourite scientist Harry Kloor is a smart guy and an interesting guy. He was a very good student. He went to college and got a Ph. D in Chemistry and a Ph. D in Physics. That’s pretty amazing but, even more amazingly, he got them at the same time! So, what does a smart guy with two Ph.Ds do? Well, go to Hollywood of course! Harry wasn’t interested in being a professor. He loved Star Trek (《星际迷航》), both the TV series and the movies, so he became a writer. He wrote sci-fi movies and TV series. Now he’s involved in making a new movie that involves science fiction and science fact. He is working with NASA to make a CGI movie. NASA wants to make the movie to get the public, especially young people, interested in space science. Kloor says the movie is about a Photon, a sun particle(粒子), who has to save the universe from being destroyed by the Void (or “nothingness”) which was the universe before the Big Bang. Kloor says this movie will be different from other sci-fi movies because they will be using real images from the spacecrafts that are currently travelling on space missions. He says the characters in this movie will be “acting” in a “real” universe. When you see this movie you will be able to experience what it is really like to travel in space ... and you will be able to eat popcorn(暴花米) while doing it.。。。。 Tomatoes I’m sure you have eaten tomatoes. They have the most vitamin C of all the vegetables. Tomatoes grew in South America thousands of years ago, but they were eaten by people only hundreds of years ago. In the U. S., people didn’t eat them until less than 200 years ago. Before that, most people in the United States believed that the tomato was a poisonous food. In 1820s, a famer found that tomatoes were very good and wanted to make them popular. Unfortunately, people were afraid to try them. They all thought that if you tea a tomato, you would surely get sick. “Eat a tomato with fish, and you’d better send for a doctor. Eat a tomato with fish and ice cream and you can forget the doctor. Just call an undertaker (殡仪员).” The farmer decided to do something surprising. He wanted to show everybody that tomatoes were good, so on the next market day, e stodd on the court house steps and ate a tomato. Many people came to watch him. The farmer stood there, waiting until a large crowd got together. Then he quickly walked up the court house steps, lifted a basket of tomatoes for everyone to see, and ate one, then a second one, and a third one…, but he didn’t die. Farmers have been growing tomatoes since then. You can see a number of different tomatoes in stores now. People don’t think they are poisonous any more. They just think they are delicious.

哈利Kloor好莱坞最受欢迎的哈利Kloor科学家是一个聪明的家伙,一个有趣的家伙。他是一个很好的学生。他上了大学,有一个Ph. D和D Ph.化学物理。那是相当惊人的,但是更令人惊讶的是,他让他们在同一时间内!所以,什么一个聪明的家伙有两个Ph.Ds怎么办?嗯,到好莱坞去当然!哈利没有兴趣作为一个教授。他喜欢《星舰迷航记》(《星际迷航》),两者的电视剧和电影,所以他成了一名作家。他写了科幻电影和电视连续剧。现在他参与制造一个新的电影,其中包括科幻小说和科学事实。他正在与美国国家航空和宇宙航行局让一个CGI电影。美国国家航空和宇宙航行局想让影片得到社会公众,特别是年轻人,空间科学感兴趣。Kloor说这部电影讲的是一个光子,太阳粒子(粒子),由谁来拯救宇宙,不让它们受破坏的“空”(或“虚无”),它是宇宙大爆炸之前。Kloor说这部电影将不同于其他科幻影片,因为他们将会使用真实的影像,目前飞船在太空旅行的任务。他说电影中的角色将“代理”在“真实”的宇宙。当你看到这部电影,你将能体验是什么真的很喜欢的太空旅行,并且,你将能吃爆米花(暴花米),而这样做。我相信你....番茄吃西红柿。他们有最维生素C的蔬菜。番茄生长在南美洲几千年前,但他们所吃的人只是数百年前。在美军,人们没有吃到不到200年。在这之前,大多数美国人认为番茄是有毒的食物。在1820年,一个农民发现,西红柿很好,想让他们很受欢迎。不幸的是,人们都害怕试一试。他们都认为,如果你茶番茄,你一定会生病的。“吃西红柿和鱼,你最好马上派人去请医生。吃西红柿和鱼和冰激凌,你可以忘掉医生。打电话给一个办事员(殡仪员)。“农夫决定做一些令人惊讶的。他想展示给大家,西红柿好,所以第二上市日,e stodd在法院步骤和吃西红柿。很多人去看他。农夫站在那儿,等到一大群人在一起了。然后他很快地走了法院的步骤,举起一篮子西红柿给大家看,吃了一个,然后第二个和第三个…,但是他没死。农民们一直都在增加西红柿中的自那时起。你可以看到许多不同的番茄在商店了。人们不认为他们是有毒的。它们只是觉得它们很好吃。
第1个回答  2011-11-02
Harry Kloor:未来最受欢迎的科学家
Harry Kloor是一个聪明而有趣的人。他是一个好学生,上了大学并且拿了化学和物理的博士学位。这很了不起,而更了不起的是他是同时拿了这2个博士学位。所以,有2个博士学位的聪明人应该怎么做?当然是去好莱坞了。哈利不想当教授,他喜欢《星际迷航》的电视剧和电影系列,所以他成了一个作家。他同时制作科学电影和电视剧,现在他正全心制作一部科学事实小说。他与美国航天局合作制作一部CGI电影。本回答被网友采纳