TPO20 对话1,这题答案是不是有问题啊?

2. What will the man probably do today?Click on 2 answers. A. Get photocopies of a book chapter B. Find out who requested his book C. Borrow additional books.(这个答案我觉得有争议) D. Renew the book Modern Social Problems 答案:AC原文如下:Librarian:Do you have it with you?Student:Eh... no, it’s in my dorm room. These are books I want to check out today. Is it OK if I bring that one by in a couple of days?Librarian:Actually, the due day is tomorrow. After that, there’ll be a two dollar per day fine. But you need to return it today if you want to check out any books today. That’s our policy. (如果你今天想借其他的任何书,你必须先把那本书还了。政策规定)Student:Oh, I see不理解的是:那怎能还能选C呢?

Actually, the due day is tomorrow. After that, there’ll be a two dollar per day fine. But you need to return it today if you want to check out any books today. That’s our policy. 查看原帖>>