英语: 根据所给提示,写一篇60词左右的英语短文,介绍Mike星期天的活动。

(文章的开头已经给出,且不计总词数) 提示词:(get up,have breakfast,clean thehouse,go to the library,play tennis with······,do homework,watch TV,go to bed , great ) 开头:It was Sunday yesterday 。

It was Sunday yesterday. In the morning Mike got up at seven and had breakfast. Then he cleaned the house. He did it for two hours. It was a hard job. In the afternoon he went to the library and read some interesting magazines for 2 hours and then played tennis with my friends. In the evening after supper he did his homework for 1 hour. Then he watched TV with his parents. At 10 I went to bed. he had a great time yesterday.