

Are you constantly staying late and coming in early yet producing the same output as others? If so, your boss may come to view you as inefficient and possibly disorganized. Dave Cheng, an executive coach with Athena Coaching, says, "There are some people, type A's, who get a lot of satisfaction from doing lots of work, but the quality isn't necessarily superior."
你是否经常早到晚退,但和其他人的工作成效还是一样的?如果是这样的话,你的上司可能会开始觉得你是个做事没效率,甚至是没组织性的人。Athena Coaching公司的行政教练Dave Cheng说:“有很多人,A类人,他们从做很多工作中得到满足,但做事的质量却并不值得他们骄傲。”

Focus on getting your work done in a reasonable time frame. If you have perfectionism or time-management issues, ask your supervisor to help you prioritize things and learn when to let go of a task. Cheng says, "Just because you're working longer doesn't mean you're working better."