求英语高手 翻译 在线等.......

去年, 几个朋友来我家乡爬山,这天天气不错,一番跋涉我们来到了山脚下,山脚的灌木非常茂盛,我们必须找到上山的出路才可以爬山,功夫不负有心人,我们最后还是找到了,上山的路非常陡峭,我们要相互帮助,小心的往上爬,爬上去的过程既艰险又有趣,有时会被灌木弄伤,但我们任然很兴奋。30分钟后,我们终于爬到了山顶,身体很累也很痛,但山顶的风和山下的风景让我忘记了这一切。

Last year, a few friends went to my hometown to climb the mountain.The weather was good. With a journey,we arrived at the foot of the mountain.the shrub of the mountain was very lush, and we had to find the way to the mountain in order to climb.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart, and we finally found the way.The road to the peak was very steep,and we had to help each other and climb carefully.The process of climbing is difficult but interesting, sometimes we got hurt by the shrub, but we were still very excited. 30 minutes later, we finally reached the top,we were very tired and painful, but the wind surrounding the mountain and the scenery off the mountain made me forget all of these.
希望能帮到你 O(∩_∩)O~