
假设你是Bzuce 五月十日你因病写请假条向班主任钱老师请假,内容包括:昨天晚上感冒发烧了,今天头还很疼无法上学,医生建议卧床休息,请假一天,病一好就回校上课。(不超过五十字)

Dear teacher Today,I have a cold,the next,I feel bad and find out I have a fever.My body is weak now,so I cannot go to school.I want tw have a rest for one day and go to school tomorrow. Your student 今天,我着凉了,接下来感到很不舒服,然后我知道我已经发烧了。我现在很疲劳,所以不能去上学了,我
第1个回答  2013-10-30
Hello. Teacher.
I am Bzuce, I have a cold sick in bed last night, today head also aches, can not arrive, the doctor advised me to rest at home one day, and want to take a day off, please approve! Thank you.
May 10th本回答被网友采纳