

第1个回答  2011-08-05
You must careful in your exam.
Learning much is beneficial for a person when he was young.
Once you promised to do something, you need to keep good faith.
Summer has not arrived yet, children can't wait to swim.
People generally think that learning to cooperate with others is in favour of solving problems.
第2个回答  2011-08-05
1 . Be careful when you are in an exam.
2. Learning more is beneficial for a person when he was young.
4. Children can't wait to swim yet summer has not arrived .
5.It is generally reckoned that learning to cooperate with others is helpful to problem soving.
第3个回答  2011-08-05
1. You should be careful when you are in an exam.
2. It will be much beneficial to you to learn much when you are young.
3. Once you have promised to do something, you should keep it.
4. Kids are too impatient to wait to swim as the summer hasn't come yet.
5. It is commonly recognized that lerarning how to cooperation is helpful to resolve problems
第4个回答  2011-08-05
When in an exem,you must be careful.
It is beneficial for young people to learn as much as they can.
Once you promise something,you should keep your word.
The children can not wait to swim,even if the summer has not come.
It is widely believed that it will help for solutions of troubles to learn to cooporate.
第5个回答  2011-08-05
1.Be careful in the exam.
2.It is beneficial for a person to study more when he is young.
3.Once you promise to do something,you must keep you promise.
4.Summer hasn't arrived ,but children all can't wait to go to swim.
5.It is known to us all that learning to cooperate is helpful for solving some problems.