
One of the main feature of oer human language is arbitrariness.Canyou briefly explain what is this feature refers to?Give example if necessary.

第1个回答  2007-07-06
arbitrariness means that there's no logic connection between linguistic symbols and their meanings, their connection is "arbitrary"(任意的 随意的).
for example: the word table means a piece of furniture at which people have their meals. but the form of this word and its meaning have no logic connection, we usually can't explain why such a word is being used to denote such a thing. it is just a customary or conventional way of usage. and in chinese we call such a piece of furniture 桌子, in japanese we call this 机(tsukue), people of different regions may have different ways to express a same concept, so there is no logic connection at all.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2007-07-06
that's right