SAT 语法题

1,Some of the workers who resent the supervisor's authority would probably feel uncomfortable if they were to acquire the independence that (they demand)为什么括号内的demand用原型啊?
2,Nursing and physical therapy (are an example of health-care fileds that) have shortages 换成are examples of health-care fields that好还是are examples where health-care fields
3,the company maintains computer sustems for small( businesses,plus it will manage) payroll accounts答案是businesses and manages,这不是不平行吗?我选的是(businessed, besides it will manage)
4,The Red Cross workers had not expected the refugees from the flooded plain to be as desperate and as undernourished as those whom they had seen earlier in the week这句没错,没读懂唉,解释一下下

1.Some of the workers [主语](who resent the supervisor's authority)[从句1] would probably feel[谓语] uncomfortable (if they were to acquire the independence that (they demand))[虚拟从句2].
前面主句用的是一般现在时态[feel],后面虽然接了个虚拟的从句,但是they demand的发生是个事实,跟主句事态应该保持一致,所以用demand形式.
2.Nursing and physical therapy (are an example of health-care fileds that) have shortages 换成are examples of health-care fields that好还是are examples where health-care fields
用are examples of health-care fields that...因为首现你很准确的找到错误了,example应该用复数.但是原句除了这个错误之外都正确,所以不要想多了,把别的也给改了.用where的选项明显是ETS糊弄你呢...它觉得你看到fields就会想当然的联系到where,别上当啊^-^
3.the company maintains computer systems for small( businesses,plus it will manage) payroll accounts答案是businesses and manages,这不是不平行吗?我选的是(businessed, besides it will manage)
另外,关于平行的问题.我觉得做过见过考过的所有题里,平行不外乎3种:not only...but also...(but as well都不行呢);;...than...其他的不用多想哈^-^
4.The Red Cross workers(红丝带工作者=红十字会工作者^-^) had not expected the refugees(难民) from the flooded plain to be as desperate and as undernourished(营养缺乏) as those(指提到的refugees) whom they had seen earlier in the week.
第1个回答  2011-08-09
2 the former
3是平行的,主语是the company,同时maintain和manage
4The Red Cross workers# had not expected# the refugees( from the flooded plain) to be as desperate and as undernourished as #those #whom they had seen earlier in the week
第2个回答  2011-08-09
1. 句中的定语从句that they demand 是陈述事实,与主句的虚拟语气没有关系,应使用正常语气。主句是对将来的虚拟,所以定语中使用一般现在时。
2. 用are examples of healthcare fields that。首先用examples,与主语部分保持一致。其次that have shortages 是一个定语从句,修饰先行词fields,关系代词that在定语从句中作主语,where是关系副词,应在定语从句中作状语。
3. 此句没错。这句的结构是as... as结构,前一个as是副词,后一个as是连词。本句中的前两个as是副词,连接形容词desperate 和undernourished, 第三个as是连词,连接比较对象those whom they had senn earlier in the week,those指代refugees,whom引导的定语从句修饰those。红十字会的工作人员没有预料到,这些难民和他们本周早些时候看到的难民一样绝望、营养不良。
第3个回答  2011-08-09
1. were to这里表虚拟语气,非时态