

灿烈:I feel thesensation; I feel it at once.如电光火石,我闻到了你的气息I’ll take you in one mouthful like cheese.我要像奶酪一样把你一口吃掉I take in [your] scent, scrutinize [your] color我细闻你的香味, 细观你的美丽I’ll eat you up with more refine than [drinking]wine.我会以比品尝美酒更为高雅地把你吃掉 KAI:Ah, but the strength in my toenail weakens, so myappetite yeah is gone.啊,可我的足下之力尽减, 我的胃口尽丧Maybe I’m sick. Have I fallen ill?我是病了么?我身患何疾?Yeah I’m in trouble.我有麻烦了 世勋:Get a grip. How’d you get your heart stolen by ahuman?要把持住, 你的心怎可被人类偷取? 绵队:It’s [the human] only a one-bite meal.这人类只是你口中餐 ALL:Hey bite tight and then shake shake ‘til you loseyour mind.快咬紧, 激烈颤动,直到你不能自制,Hey 灿烈: do it in a style you’ve never tried.以你从不厌倦的方式Before the big full moon comes out, do away withit.在皎洁满月升起之前, 把它除掉 ALL:That’s right wolf. I’m a wolf. Awhooo~对,就这样, 我是一匹狼, 啊呜呜呜呜~ 绵队:Ah I love you~我爱你~ KAI:I’m a wolf and you’re a beauty.我为狼, 你是美女 ALL:That’s right wolf. I’m a wolf. Awhooo~没错,我是一匹狼,啊呜呜呜 绵队:Ah I love you~我爱你~I’m a wolf and you’re a beauty.我是一匹狼而你如此美丽 D.O(&白白伴唱):I’ve fallen for this irresistible, powerful feelingand I’ve let go [of myself].我已经深深沦陷在这个不可抑制的强烈情感中, 我已迷失自己.I like simplicity我喜欢简简单单The hidden thing within me has opened its eyes now.体内深藏的情感已开始萌芽 白白(&D.O伴唱):Eeyahh~ Look at that girl fall into terror快看这个陷入惊恐的女孩.Can’t, can’t understand the situation before hereyes.她无法理解眼前所发生的事情‘That dirty wolf guy will end up eating me.’’那只肮脏的狼会把我吃掉’ 绵绵:But that’s not it. I’ve fallen in love [with you].不对,我已经爱上你 灿烈:I’m already a pro. A goddess like you.我已是你的信徒, 你像仙女一样美丽The one who’s stolen my entire heart你已把我的心整颗偷走I am only a healthy offering∕sacrifice.我已经是你的祭品 世勋:I’m already a fool. A goddess like you.我已变成一个笨蛋, 你像仙女一样美丽The owner who’s to pull out all of my teeth你已成为我的主人,将我的利齿一一除去I am only a faithful slave.我已成为你忠诚的奴隶 ALL:Hey bite tight and then shake shake ‘til you loseyour mind.快咬紧, 激烈颤动,直到你不能自制Hey 灿烈do it in a style you’ve never tried.以你从不厌倦的方式Before the big full moon comes out, do away withit.在皎洁满月升起之前, 把它除掉 ALL:That’s right wolf. I’m a wolf. Awhooo~对,就这样, 我是一匹狼, 啊呜呜呜呜~ 绵绵:Ah I love you~我爱你~ KAI:I’m a wolf and you’re a beauty.我为狼, 你是美女 ALL:That’s right wolf. I’m a wolf. Awhooo~没错,我是一匹狼,啊呜呜呜 绵绵:Ah I love you~我爱你~I’m a wolf and you’re a beauty.我是一匹狼而你如此美丽 绵绵:I can’t get enough of you. I’m in trouble.我深陷其中无法自拔 白白:Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh哦哦哦 绵绵:I can’t get enough of you. I’m in trouble.我深陷其中无法自拔 白白:Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh哦哦哦 灿烈:That yellow moon teases me, that I can’t have you.那轮黄月在嘲笑我, 在笑我无法拥有你‘But you’re only a rough beast.’’你只是一头丑陋的野兽’ D.O:If you’re going to say that kind of thing, getlost. If you need [me], change me.若你要说这种话 白白:I can never let her go.我永远不会放开她 D.O(&白白伴唱):I’ve fallen for this irresistible, powerful feelingand I’ve let go [of myself].我已经深深沦陷在这个不可抑制的强烈情感中, 我已迷失自己.I like simplicity我喜欢简简单单The hidden thing within me has opened its eyes now.体内深藏的情感已开始萌芽 D.O(&白白伴唱):I’ve fallen for this irresistible, powerful feelingand I’ve let go [of myself].我已经深深沦陷在这个不可抑制的强烈情感中, 我已迷失自己.I like simplicity我喜欢简简单单The hidden thing within me has opened its eyes now.体内深藏的情感已开始萌芽 ALL:That’s right wolf. I’m a wolf. Awhooo~对,就这样, 我是一匹狼, 啊呜呜呜呜~ 绵绵:Ah I love you~我爱你~I’m a wolf and you’re a beauty.我为狼, 而你是美女 ALL:That’s right wolf. I’m a wolf. Awhooo~没错,我是一匹狼,啊呜呜呜 绵绵:Ah I love you~我爱你~ KAI:I’m a wolf and you’re a beauty.我是一匹狼而你如此美丽
第1个回答  2014-08-21
是:我爱你 的意思。
第2个回答  2014-08-21
韩文 我爱你 望采纳
第3个回答  2014-08-21
第4个回答  2014-08-21
第5个回答  2014-08-21