
( )17、We often borrow books the library.

A.at B.from C.in

( )18、My mother often goes to work bus.

A.on B.with C.by

( )19、This book is about tails.

A.animals’ B.animal’s C.animals’s

( )20、What’s the boy’s name? .

A.Mary B.Peter C.Lisa

( )21、Does she like ?

A.danceing B.dancing C.dances

( )22、There some sheep over there.

A.is B.are C.has

( )23、Li Yan will show around her school.

A.me B.I C.my

( )24、Kangaroo and are a family.

A.a kid B.a cub C.a joey

( )25、 science classes do you have?

A.How many B.How often C.How much

( )26、Micky is playing a puppet.

A.from B.and C.with

( )27、We play football the field.

A.in B.on C.at

( )28、Are there any games girls?

A.from B.with C.for

( )29、I often play football after school.

A.a B.the C./

( )30、My school is famous its sports.

A.to B.for C. with

( )31、 do you play hockey? On Sunday.

A.When B.Where C.What

( )32、Please tell me something about school.

A.his B.hers C.he

( )33、Can you pass that one?

A.my B.I C.me

( )34、I want listen English.

A.a---to B.to---to C.to---for

( )35、My little sister the walkman very much.

A.like B.to like C.likes

( )36、It nice.

A.look B.looks C.to look

17 B 我们常从图书馆借书
18 C 坐公交车By bus 固定短语
19 A tails是复数,一只动物只有一只尾巴,所以应有很多动物
20 B A和C一般式女孩名字
21 B Like doing sth.
22 B there be 句型的实际主语应该是后面句子的物或者人
23 A 填空部分应为宾语部分,所以用me
24 C 幼兽通常指小袋鼠
25 A
26 C and 连接两个相同属性的词语,from 从、、
27 A 28 C 29 C
30 B 以、、而闻名 用for
31 A 什么时候玩
32 A 他的 33 C 宾语
34 B want to do sth. listen to do sth.
35 c 36 B 35\36都是单数第三人称 动词加s或es
第1个回答  2011-08-04
第2个回答  2011-08-04