


I like to watch the NBA, the NBA is the world's highest level of professional basketball league. Created it from the 1960s to today, however, it has become the most concentrated commercial elements and operation of one of the best sports. NBA now has 30 ball Team, nearly 1,000 players. in the president under the leadership of David, the NBA is in full to the world, like basketball into each person's vision. NBA has strict rules, no one can breach, including David himself. the NBA money is a country, where if a superb game, the team can bring victory brought fans joy, then perhaps you today is a poverty-stricken, tomorrow you have 100 million net worth is the super-rich. here no sympathy, no tears, only fighting, only constantly forward. most important is the favorite or the fans watch the matches, players appreciate the superb game, then you may be here a dunk and full-blooded, as a victory and excited for a Consequently and lost. This is my favorite NBA, through the NBA, I learned: If you have a goal, then you only effort, only to pay more than others, will get you think
第1个回答  2007-11-11
I like looking at NBA, NBA is in the world the most high levelbasketball professional league tournament It from establishes to thetoday also only 60 years, but it has become the commercial element tobe thickest and to operate of a NBA present best sports to have 30teams, has the nearly thousand players In under the president David'sleadership, the NBA comprehensive trend world, is entering person'sfield of vision which each likes the basketball NBA to have the strictrule, any person all cannot violate, including David NBA is the moneystate, in here if has the excellent skill in ball games, can take tothe team the victory, takes to the fan happily, then you or areperhaps poor and blank today, tomorrow you will be have on hundredmillion bodies super rich and powerful people Has not sympathizedwith in here, does not have the tear, only has strives for success,only has unceasingly to front Most important also is the fan mostlikes or watching the competition, appreciates player's excellentskill in ball games, again here you possibly can because of a bucklebasket but the blood boiling, but be excited because of a victory, ispities the defeat to grasp the wrists This is NBA which I likes,through NBA, I has learned: If you have the goal, then you only havethe endeavor, only has compared to the others pays many, only then canobtain you to think
第2个回答  2007-11-09
第3个回答  2007-11-14
第4个回答  2007-11-11