克隆技术的利与弊 (英文版)


克隆技术的利与弊 (英文版)
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The advantages and disadvantages of human cloning.
Our members rate this: The advantages and disadvantages of human cloning A clone is when two or more living things have identical DNA and genes. There are 3 different ways of cloning living things; the first two are for cloning plants. The first way is to take a cutting from the plant you wish to clone and dip it in rooting hormone for the cutting to develop its roots then you replant it and you have a clone. The other way would be to collect a few cells from the plant or a tissue sample and grow it on a special type of jelly like substance that will grow the plant. Then you will end up with an exact copy, or clone. The final method is how to clone a mammal. It is called embryo transplanting. To do this the scientist would split up the embryo before the cells became specifically designed for a job. The split...继续

