英语短文 要求:用40~60个英文单词,介绍马的外表特征、生活习性、能力、饮食喜好等。


外型:Horse's head is straight and long, and it has short ears,long limb, solid skeleton,tendon.And ligament is well developed, with palm of pillow monuments.Fur is beneficial to regulate body temperature, braving cold summer, which is easy to adapt to the new environment and is suitable for the tense work.
习性:The horse on the sense of smell to adapt to the environment.The horse can smell identification sewage or harmful forage feed.The horse to smell the familiar things easy to receive.The vision is very poor also make weaker horse sense of distance.Light color and intensity, the horse is able to feel
能力:Compared to other animals, the horse is a very gentle animal. Horses do not usually take the initiative to attack humans or other animals, when the danger is Sanshiliuji go for the best, up to escape. In the Mustang group, some pregnant mare pony or can not run away, horses will be in the middle of them, we butt outwards, with its only weapon - the rear foot, then kick against predators.
饮食:The horse of taste perception, so eating noodles is very wide.The horse with strong sense of taste preference.The taste is bad also easy to cause indigestion.
第1个回答  2014-02-09
Ma, herbivorous livestock. Tamed by humans before 4000.Przewalski's horse 66 chromosomes, horses (64 chromosomes)can be crossed with fertile offspring, MA in ancient times is the main power of agricultural production, transportation and militaryactivities. With the development of productive forces, raise the level of science and technology, power machinery and extensive application of the invention, and the role of the horse in real life,the less, the horses for equestrian sports and the production of meat and dairy, feeding to decrease. But in some developing countries and regions, the horse is still in draft animal, and is an important source of force. It is the staple of the grass.本回答被网友采纳