

  As we known, the ancient Britons,55 BC and 54 BC, G.J Caesar twice rate Rome Legion invaded Britain, were the British repulsed. In 43 AD, the emperor of Rome Crawley 's army invaded Britain . The conquest of Britain after the Empire of Rome province.
  And then,in the Middle Ages.When the Romans withdrawal, living in northern and Southern Denmark near the mouth of the Anglo - Saxons and Jutes from the lower reaches of the Rhine and other Germanic tribes, from the middle of the AD.5, onwards the invasion of britain. The invasion process lasted for about 1.5century.The invaders looted the town and country, the British people were killed or enslaved, some were driven to the west, northwest of the mountain, most people with invaders fusion, became England.
  Starting from the end of the eighth Century, The Vikings who come from Scandinavia Invasion of England repeatedly. For the fight against the Vikings, at 827 years, king of the Wessex kingdom named Ege Bert unified the other kingdoms,and then to establish a unified kingdom of England. By the end of the ninth Century, the Vikings were on the island of Great Britain to establish large residence.
  King Edward died haven't son, the French Duke William of Normandy in 1066 lead army invasion, in October the same year occupied London, crowned the British King Weilian ,as we known as" William the Conqueror", the Norman Dynasty established.
第1个回答  推荐于2017-10-25
As we known, the ancient Britons,55 BC and 54 BC, G.J Caesar twice rate Rome Legion invaded Britain, were the British repulsed. In 43 AD, the emperor of Rome Crawley 's army invaded Britain . The conquest of Britain after the Empire of Rome province.
And then,in the Middle Ages.When the Romans withdrawal, living in northern and Southern Denmark near the mouth of the Anglo - Saxons and Jutes from the lower reaches of the Rhine and other Germanic tribes, from the middle of the AD.5, onwards the invasion of britain. The invasion process lasted for about 1.5century.The invaders looted the town and country, the British people were killed or enslaved, some were driven to the west, northwest of the mountain, most people with invaders fusion, became England.
Starting from the end of the eighth Century, The Vikings who come from Scandinavia Invasion of England repeatedly. For the fight against the Vikings, at 827 years, king of the Wessex kingdom named Ege Bert unified the other kingdoms,and then to establish a unified kingdom of England. By the end of the ninth Century, the Vikings were on the island of Great Britain to establish large residence.
King Edward died haven't son, the French Duke William of Normandy in 1066 lead army invasion, in October the same year occupied London, crowned the British King Weilian ,as we known as" William the Conqueror", the Norman Dynasty established.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-03-23
A,楼主仔细阅读下马克思的话,他的意思里可没对英国的资本主义发展的评价,而针对的是英国侵略对印度的影响,可以直接排除!! C,其实英国的侵略根本没有对印度的资本主义发展产生推动作用,反而冲击了印度的资本主义萌芽,就像鸦片战争后,外国的侵略破坏我国的民族资本主义正常发展一样!! D,英国的侵略打开了印度封闭的国门,带来了不少新技术,文化,冲击着印度本身的各种生产关系,当然也客观地帮助了印度。印度和中国清朝末期是很相似的。 如满意,请采纳,哈哈!.
第3个回答  2017-10-23
Why is the history of Britain a history of aggression?.
第4个回答  2017-10-25
why do we say that the history of Britain is a history of aggression?