


是指调整国家之间;国际组织之间;国家与国际组织之间;国家与他国私人之间;国际组织与私人之间以及不同国籍私人之间,相互经济关系的法律规范的总称。它是随着各国之间贸易和经济往来日益增长以及国家对贸易和经济活动的干预日益加强而形成和发展的。早在中世纪末期,欧洲主要商业城市就有一些关于国际商业交易的规则。第二次世界大战后,有关国际经济关系的法律规则和制度大量出现 ,并具有了国家之间条约的形式。作为一门学科,国际经济法学也于第二次世界大战后,逐渐发展起来。
概念和范围 关于国际经济法的概念和范围,国际上和国内都学说不一,总的来说,可归纳为广泛和狭窄的两种概念和范围。
广义国际经济法 泛指调整国际经济交往的法律。其范围包括一切关于超越国界并涉及任何经济利益的交易和交往的法律规则和制度,不论进行交往和交易的主体是国家、国际组织或机构、国营金融机构(如国家的中央银行),还是个人、法人或跨国公司。它也不区分国际法和国内法、公法和私法。主张这种概念的法学家一般认为,国际经济法是国际社会中经济关系和经济组织的国际法规范和国内法规范的总称,他们打破了法律各部门之间的界限,强调法律各部门之间的相互作用和相互渗透。这派国际经济法学者特别着重从各种有关法规的综合的角度,研究实际的法律问题,对实际法律工作者来说,较切合实用。
按照广泛的概念,国际经济法的内容甚广,主要包括以下几方面:①关于外国人经济地位的国内立法和国际法。②关于国际商业交易的私法方面,包括货物买卖、运输、契约的法律,保险法,公司法和海商法。③关于国际贸易的国内法规,如关税法规、内地税法规、进出口管制法规、外汇管制法规以及关于质量和包装标准等方面的法规等。④关于外国人投资的国内立法和国际法,包括外国人投资的组织和清理、投资的待遇、保护和保证(见国际投资法),国有化和征收,解决投资争端的方法和适用的法律,等等。⑤关于国际贸易制度、国际货币和金融制度和国际机构投资制度的国际法和国际经济机构法,如关税及贸易总协定,国际货币基金组织,世界银行,区域性国际开发银行(如亚洲开发银行)的法律,国际商品协定等。这部分法律都是通过国际条约的形式制定的,构成国家之间的条约义务,属国际公法的范围,不直接涉及或约束个人。⑥关于区域经济一体化的法律,如欧洲经济共同体,经济互助委员会,安第斯条约组织的法律。⑦国际税法,包括课税管辖权范围,关于解决双重课税的法律(见国际税法) 。
狭义国际经济法 是国际公法的一个特殊部门。凡国际贸易、经济交易中涉及的私法问题(如国际货物买卖合同等)和国内法问题(如关于进出口管理的国内立法等)都不属于国际经济法的范畴。这派学者比较注意国际经济法的理论体系的研究。根据狭窄的概念,国际经济法的范围和内容主要包括以下几方面:①关于一国公民(自然人)和法人在其国境外经济领域的法律地位。②关于私人国外投资的法律制度。③国际机构投资的法律制度,主要涉及世界银行和各区域开发银行的组织机构法和关于其资金来源和经营的法律。④调整国际经济关系的法律制度,其中主要包括国际贸易,金融和货币关系的国际法原则和规则。关于国际货币制度的法律涉及的问题包括:根据《国际货币基金组织协定条款》建立的关于国际货币体制的行为规则以及其实施和改革,区域性货币制度等。国际贸易法律制度包括《关税及贸易总协定 》体现的各项原则(如非歧视原则、多边最惠国待遇和国民待遇、普遍和逐步降低关税、禁止数量定额制、关于防止出口贸易中限制竞争的原则、关税同盟和自由贸易区制度涉及的原则,关于保障措施和免除执行某项原则的制度等),国际商品(初级产品)协定、生产国协会、综合商品方案问题 、调整不同发展水平国家(即发达国家和发展中国家)之间贸易关系的非对等性质的优惠原则、关于禁止商业上限制竞争的做法的国际行为准则、消除或减少非关税贸易障碍等。⑤国际经济组织和机构法,包括组织结构、决策程序和职能范围等方面的问题。⑥区域性经济一体化的法律制度。⑦国际税法,等等。
国际经济法和国际经济秩序 国际经济法是与国际经济秩序紧密相关的,实际上两者难以分割,前者是为后者服务的。国际经济秩序至少包含两个意义,即①国际经济关系领域中各国共同协议的价值观念体系,也就是作为指导国际经济关系的政治、经济和社会观念体系。②调整国际经济关系的法律结构,又称国际经济关系的法律秩序。从这个角度看,国际经济法可以说是国际经济秩序的法律方面,也就是作为指导国际经济秩序的政治、经济和社会观念在法律上的体现。
新国际经济秩序的概念是指在当今的世界经济环境中促进发展中国家的经济和社会进步(见国际发展法),对反映旧国际经济秩序的现行国际经济结构进行调整和改变。按照1976年科伦坡第五届不结盟国家首脑会议的宣言,新国际经济秩序的基本目标是在国际经济关系中建立基于正义、合作和尊重人类尊严的平衡。新国际经济秩序涉及的具体问题主要有:关于国际援助方面的问题,关于国际贸易方面的问题,关于国际货币金融方面的问题,关于工业、技术转让和商业做法方面的问题等。 (http://bk.baidu.com/view/42501.htm)

private international law


历史 1841年德国学者谢夫纳在其著作《国际私法的发展》中首先使用这一概念。这一名称在中国、德国、日本、俄国以及其他东欧国家得到普遍采用。

概念 国际私法的调整对象是国际民事关系,可以称之为涉外民事法律关系。作为国际私法调整对象的涉外民事法律关系具有如下特点:具有涉外因素。具体体现在关系的主体、客体和内容具有涉外因素;是广义的民商事关系;是会发生冲突的涉外民事关系。

产生的条件 主要有:

国际私法主要是国内法 对于含有涉外因素的民法关系规定应当适用哪国法律的规则,即国际私法规则,称为抵触规则,因为这种法律规则的作用在于解决各国法律抵触时的法律运用问题。上述例子的抵触规则就是:法人的国籍适用该法人的本国法。一国的这些抵触规则的总和就构成了该国的国际私法。所以,从法的渊源(见法)看,抵触规则主要是国内立法和国内判例,只有很少数来自国际间缔结的条约。

有关国际私法的条约包括多边条约和双边条约 多边条约又称公约,海牙国际私法会议在第二次世界大战以后至1988年第十六届会议即已制订公约32个。拉丁美洲的一些国家于1928年在哈瓦那缔结的《布斯塔曼特法典》,包含437个条文,是一部非常完备的国际私法法典。此外,拉丁美洲国家还在1940年缔结了关于国际私法的蒙得维的亚公约。至于含有国际私法规定的双边条约为数更多。


国际私法是适用法 国际私法是关于民法的法律适用法,而不是实体法。实体法指直接解决当事人权利义务的法律。国际私法只是指出应当适用哪一国的实体法来解决当事人的权利义务,而本身并不直接解决当事人的权利义务。在前述例子中,外国法人的本国法是实体法,“法人的国籍适用该法人的本国法 ” 这一国际私法规则,是适用法而不是实体法。

中国的国际私法 自唐代因有大食人、波斯人等外国人来华贸易频繁,651年(唐永徽二年)《永徽律》就规定“诸化外人同类自相犯者,各依本俗法;异类相犯者,依法律论”,法律即唐律、亦即法院地法。因唐律刑、民并无明确区分,这一规定既是国际刑法规定,也是国际私法规定。唐代以后历代王朝主要采取闭关政策,国际私法未能发展,直到清末才稍有恢复。1918年北洋政府公布的《法律适用条例》,规定关于人法、亲属法、继承法采取当事人本国法原则,但因受制于帝国主义国家的领事裁判权,适用机会不多。中华人民共和国建立后,制定了一些有关国际私法的规章,缔结了有关条约。如1951年内务部规定,外侨相互间及外侨同中国人间在中国结婚,适用中国法,即婚姻登记地法。1960年《中捷领事条约》规定领事可以根据派遣国的授权,办理双方都是派遣国公民的结婚登记,但不免除当事人或关系人遵守驻在国有关法令规定的义务。中国同各国缔结的相互注册和保护商标的协定都规定这种注册和保护适用各自的内国法。近年来,中国与法国等不少国家缔结了关于司法协助的双边协议。为了解决国际贸易和海事争执,中国早已设立了仲裁委员会。《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》(见民事诉讼法)设立专编,作出涉外民事诉讼程序的特别规定。 (http://bk.baidu.com/view/10238.htm)
参考资料:http://bk.baidu.com/view/42501.htm http://bk.baidu.com/view/10238.htm

性质 :

第二节 国际私法学说史
一、 意大利的法则区别说 [识记]
二、 法国的法则区别说
法国的法则区别说的代表人物是杜摩兰 以及 达让特莱
三、 荷兰的国际礼让说

四、 萨维尼的法律关系本座说 [领会]

五、 英国的既得权说 [领会]

六、 库克的“本地法说” [识记]


第三节 我国国际私法的历史

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Private International Law
Private international law

In the world of civil law and commercial law differences between the cases, the foreign-related factors containing the civil and commercial law, which should be applied to resolve the law of the State's laws. Foreign-related factors also known as the international factors in civil and commercial law, known as the Western tradition of private law, private international law hence its name. Because generalized civil law could include commercial law, civil law and commercial law to the mutual differences, legal jargon known as the Civil Code of conflict or civil conflict, or conflict with the law or legal conflicts, so long as this sector, which the law the legal conflict with law or conflict of laws. In 1834 the United States jurists J. Tito, the first private international law conflict with law as a legal term synonymous. Then, in German, French created a corresponding vocabulary, in Italy after another, in Spanish has also had a corresponding vocabulary. In China and Japan called on Private International Law. Because of private international law on national civil law is the applicable law, also known as the law applicable law.

History 1841 German scholar谢夫纳in his book "The development of private international law" in the first use of this concept. The names in China, Germany, Japan, Russia and other Eastern European countries are generally used.

The adjustment of the concept of private international law targeting international civil relations can be called foreign-related civil legal relationships. As an international private law of the foreign-related civil adjusted target of legal relationship with the following characteristics: a foreign-related factors. Relations between the concrete expression in the main body of a foreign object and content of factors broad civil and commercial relations will be foreign-related civil conflict relations.

The conditions are:
① people of all countries have frequently exchanged visits, some civil legal relations with foreign factors, or had once one or both parties for foreigners, or had once property in a foreign country, or acts or facts had once occurred abroad.
② differences between civil law countries, such as the legal marriage age, the legacy of heir share distribution, such as default liability provisions vary.
③ foreign factors containing the civil legal relations, in a certain range with the application of foreign law necessary and possible. For example, with a number of overseas Chinese to give each other mutual legal treaty to be registered trademark and the right to the protection, in the implementation of this treaty, there will be times when the other party is a national corporate legal issue, namely, the issue of nationality of legal entities. On this issue, the law is inconsistent. Major European continent to take management center, and to the corporate community that is home country as the main office location of their home country. In accordance with the common law and the law of the State to State as a legal entity set up their own, in other words, legal persons in accordance with the laws of the countries which, with the country's nationality. China registered trademarks admissibility organs, to decide whether a foreign legal persons in the country of nationality, can only apply the foreign law.

Private International Law is mainly for the domestic law of the factors contained foreign relations provisions of the Civil Code should apply the law of the State where the rules, that is rules of private international law, known as the conflict with the rules, because this is the role of the rule of law to resolve legal conflict with the legal use of the problem. The above example is inconsistent with the rules: the nationality of the application of the corporate legal person of national law. A State of the sum of these rules conflict with the country on a private international law. Therefore, sources from the law (see Law), the main rule is inconsistent with national legislation and domestic jurisprudence, only very few from the international treaties concluded.
In Western countries, the first private international law legislation is the 1756 "Bavaria Civil Code." Subsequent legislation on private international law gradually increased, in some countries it in the Civil Code provisions, such as the 1804 "French Civil Code," No. 3; it provides some countries in the implementation of civil law, such as in 1896 Germany, "the purposes of the Civil Code "Some developed countries it is one-way, such as the 1975 former Democratic Republic of Germany" on the international civil, family law and labor relations and the international economic contract law applicable law "; some countries it scattered in a number of individual provisions of a single law in , such as Romania and Bulgaria, the private international law legislation. A private international law by the Legislative simple to complex trend. For example, in 1963 the Czechoslovak "private international law and international civil law" contains 68, 1987 announcement of Switzerland, "the Federal Private International Law" contains 200 provisions. Apart from legislation, common law jurisprudence growing private international law. Even in the European civil law, the customary law jurisprudence also constitute occupies an important position. For example, the jurisprudence of the Court of France, built a fairly complete system of private international law.

In addition, Latin American countries are still in 1940 concluded on the Montevideo Convention on Private International Law. As for the private international law provisions contained in the bilateral treaties number more.

As private international law are still low stage of development, some of the rules has not been established, therefore, sometimes on the doctrine of private international law in the international civil proceedings will also have a big role.

Private international law is the applicable law of private international law on civil law is the law applicable law, and not substantive law. Substantive law that directly address the legal rights and obligations of the parties. Private International Law is that which country should apply the substantive law to address the rights and obligations of the parties, but does not directly address the rights and obligations of the parties. In the aforementioned example, the national law is foreign corporate entities, "corporate citizenship application of the legal person of the national law" rules of private international law, the applicable law rather than substantive law.
According to conflict with the applicable rules of the substantive law of the country concerned, as the applicable law. The nationality of legal persons as in the above cases linked object, identified as the case known as qualitative corporate nationality, the nationality of legal persons is the link under. The use of private international law, in dealing with foreign-related civil cases, the first through qualitative and identify targets link, and follow the breach of rules, the decision should apply the applicable law, as the basis for the judgment. As the country adopted by the rules of private international law based on different links, sometimes occur, and turn to the renvoi.

China's private international law since the Tang Dynasty due to the fresh, Persians and other foreigners frequent in China trade, 651 (Tang永徽2002) "永徽law" provides that "all of outsiders similar self offenders, under this conventional method; Heterogeneous of offenders, in accordance with the law ", the law that Tang law, or the law of the forum. Punishment for Tang law, there is no clear distinction between the people, this provision is not only international criminal law, international private law provisions. Since ancient Tang dynasty mainly taken closed-door policy, the development of private international law could not until the end of the Qing dynasty was slightly resume. 1918 Northern government released "apply the law" provisions on personal law, relatives law, domestic law principle of the law of succession to the parties, but subject to the imperialist countries consular jurisdiction, applicable opportunities are few. After the founding of People's Republic of China have drawn up a number of rules and regulations relating to private international law, the conclusion of the relevant treaty. If in 1951 the Ministry of the Interior, between aliens and aliens in China with the Chinese man married to China and France, and marriage registration law. In 1960, "McNair consular treaty" provides consular can be authorized under the contributors, both contributors for the marriage registration citizens, but not from the parties or between people abided by local obligations under the Act. China with the mutual conclusion of the registration and protection of trade marks such agreements require the registration and protection of their application within the laws of the state. In recent years, China and many countries, such as France, on the conclusion of a bilateral agreement on judicial assistance. In order to resolve international trade and maritime disputes, China has already set up a Committee of Inquiry. "PRC Civil Procedure Law" (see the Code of Civil Procedure) to set up another series, foreign-related civil proceedings to make special provisions.本回答被提问者采纳