求武林外传 29回吕秀才说死姬无命台词 英文版 ?


第1个回答  2012-03-14
姬无命:I kill you!
秀才:wait,you may kill me,but you must be clear first,who killed me?
姬无命:nonsense,it’s me!
秀才:who am I?
姬无命:how do I know you?
秀才:(笑)That is a problem。
姬无命:What do you mean?
秀才:this has to begin with the relation of the human and the cosmos,(两人走下楼梯)there’s a problem enwind you for a long time.(二人走到桌旁)
姬无命:what is it?
秀才:who am I?
姬无命:I have been known it.
秀才:no,you don’t,do you know? who are you,is this姬无命?no!that's just a name,a code name,you can be 姬无命,I can be姬无命,too,all they can,but who are you when you take this code away?
姬无命:(已经被说傻)I don’t know,and I don't even need to know!
秀才:okay !now ,you answer me another other question ,who am I?
姬无命:this question has been asked。
秀才:no,I asked is the body(词穷,实在不知道该怎么翻译了),now im asking you the selves.
姬无命:what is their difference?
秀才:for example,when Im using my code name ”I” to have a conversation, and your code also is “I”, what is that mean?is that means you were me and I was you?
姬无命:this, this, this question doesn't mean anything.
秀才:(起身)okay, let me ask you some significant questions,where was I born,where will I died to,why am I appear to the world,what means of my appearance to the world,either the world chooses me,or I choose the world?
姬无命:stop it!
秀才:(坐到桌子上)Am I have a necessary link with the univers? Does the Univers has en end? Does the time has a length? Where the past time go, and where the future time stop? Is the question im asking you same as the question that you've heared?
姬无命:(怒)I kill you!
秀才:(压住姬无命)who killed me,and whom would be killed by me!
姬无命:(沉思良久)it's, it's I killed I?
秀才:Bingo,(坐到小姬对面)Do it!

第2个回答  2012-03-18
天哪 太闲了