急求一篇英语文章题目为how can you be successful in college


how can you be successful in college
what's up buddy? thank you for sitting here listen to my speech. I hope you will enjoy this. applouds!
first I would like to raise the point: what is college?
unlike the school you may experienced like high school or secondary school, college is for more mature student, like us.
in college there might no monitors, no morning assembly, no daily homework, even no class check up. what you can get from college all depends on yourself. of course, you can play all the time in college (like rolling band, triping, romance or gaming)unless you pass the exam.
however we need to know that why we came to college:
If you were come from high school, you may found the college life is much more flexible, you may go to dorm after lecture or go outside doing whatever you like. or you might to go library reviewing the points from prof. These depend on yourself. As I know your average is higher than C, you can get the degree, but what you can do next? finding a job? no kidding, please. what on earth a normal, no shinny 'college student' got an offer from a well-fed company? If you just want this please, go to some god-damned tech-school. of course, you can got an offer after that, but you might no promotion in rest of your life(laughing)
As I need to tell you, the key to success in college:
the first is descip(戒律,自我管制, 忘记怎么拼了:P) why I need to rise that. the reason is quite simply, like animals in zoos, what well happen when they came out of the cage? yes, they will do whatever they like, unlike us, we are the highly evolved intellgent animal, we can control ourselves against the deep natural part inside of us(like relaxing, high-level halmon release, or some dirty sensually exited xtacy(sex) . The god give us intelegent not for any one of these above. you need to remember the discipline deep inside of you. Will you think to rest without reviewing and finishing all your homework? will you copying classmates' work just for hand-in the work? will you spent 3 hours a day in library just reading books. If you can do these above, means you can control your behavior. remember when you enter the entrance of college you are growen up, you must remember to control yourself, planning yourself, not just not peeing in your pants, is in some higher level, control what you will do, you will be fully responsible for all your wellbeing.
the second part is trying to think different:
there is a library in the college not just or you to study or surfing the internet. is for training properse. Training what? training your thought, in college level, the prof might not always right or give you the simplest solution, you need to thing individually or in team. The college is not just for learning and also for build your thought. What is the best characristic of college student? that is thinking, yes, I'm here as I'm think what I am, think makes us different, think makes us stronger, think makes us ourselves. without thinking why you came to college? just for learning?
that's all I want to talking about
thank you very much for listening, any questions?
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