

成为 to become to turn into shape come off came go evolve as
中国功夫 chinese kungfu kung fu national gymnastics
洗淋浴 shower
放松的 laxative loose eased
放学后 after school
象棋 [xiàng qí] chinese chess
十一月 [shí yī yuè] November Nov eleventh month
一月 January Jan. first month
起床 [qǐ chuáng] to get up get up got up hit the deck show a leg turn...out uprising rising up rise astir get out of bed tumble up uprise be up
忙碌的 stirring abustle pragmatic engaged busy hopping
收音机 [shōu yīn jī] radio wireless set radio set electric set radiogram radio receiver receiving set wireless wireless (radio) receiver
成功的 made triumphant successful blest prosperous thriving
周末 [zhōu mò]weekend on the weekend Saturday-to-Monday week-end
悲伤的 mirthless woeful heartbroken sorrowful tearful sore woful melancholy hippish lamenting teary rueful disastrous distressing fiddle-faced plaintive grievous
历史 [lì shǐ]history
写信 [xiě xìn]to write a letter epistolize write wrote dropped a line write a letter drop a line
译成英语 translate into English
第1个回答  2011-12-07
1.成为become2.中国功夫Chinese kungfu3.洗淋浴take bathing4.放松的relaxed5.放学后after class 6.象棋chess7.十一月Nov.8.一月9.起床get up10.忙碌的busy11.收音机radio12.成功的successful13.周末weekend14.悲伤的sad15.历史history16.写信。write letter翻译成英语。。