Java JVM是什么意思?


JVM是Java Virtual Machine(Java虚拟机)的缩写,JVM是一种用于计算设备的规范,它是一个虚构出来的计算机,是通过在实际的计算机上仿真模拟各种计算机功能来实现的。Java虚拟机包括一套字节码指令集、一组寄存器、一个栈、一个垃圾回收堆和一个存储方法域。 JVM屏蔽了与具体操作系统平台相关的信息,使Java程序只需生成在Java虚拟机上运行的目标代码(字节码),就可以在多种平台上不加修改地运行。JVM在执行字节码时,实际上最终还是把字节码解释成具体平台上的机器指令执行。编译虚拟机的指令集与编译微处理器的指令集非常类似。
第1个回答  2011-11-30
Java虚拟机 就是在你开发的应用程序和操作系统中间加的那层 你开发的应用程序面对的是Java虚拟机这一层 具体这一层对操作系统的接口是怎样实现的 你不用管 这样你编写的代码只需编译一次 就可以做到到处运行 意思是无论部署在Linux还是Windows等等系统上 你的代码都无需修改 就跟一个翻译一样 他能将汉语翻译成英语 也能将汉语翻译成日语 无论你要跟英国人交流还是骂小日本 都只要说汉语就行了 翻译见到英国人就会翻译成英语 见到日本人就会翻译成日语 明白否
第2个回答  2011-11-30
The Java virtual machine is the cornerstone of the Java and Java 2 platforms. It is the component of the technology responsible for its hardware- and operating system- independence, the small size of its compiled code, and its ability to protect users from malicious programs.
The Java virtual machine is an abstract computing machine. Like a real computing machine, it has an instruction set and manipulates various memory areas at run time. It is reasonably common to implement a programming language using a virtual machine; the best-known virtual machine may be the P-Code machine of UCSD Pascal.

The first prototype implementation of the Java virtual machine, done at Sun Microsystems, Inc., emulated the Java virtual machine instruction set in software hosted by a handheld device that resembled a contemporary Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). Sun's current Java virtual machine implementations, components of its JavaTM 2 SDK and JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment products, emulate the Java virtual machine on Win32 and Solaris hosts in much more sophisticated ways. However, the Java virtual machine does not assume any particular implementation technology, host hardware, or host operating system. It is not inherently interpreted, but can just as well be implemented by compiling its instruction set to that of a silicon CPU. It may also be implemented in microcode or directly in silicon.

The Java virtual machine knows nothing of the Java programming language, only of a particular binary format, the class file format. A class file contains Java virtual machine instructions (or bytecodes) and a symbol table, as well as other ancillary information.

For the sake of security, the Java virtual machine imposes strong format and structural constraints on the code in a class file. However, any language with functionality that can be expressed in terms of a valid class file can be hosted by the Java virtual machine. Attracted by a generally available, machine-independent platform, implementors of other languages are turning to the Java virtual machine as a delivery vehicle for their languages.


第3个回答  推荐于2017-09-06
Java Virtual Machine
java虚拟机 是java程序的字节码的运行环境