
我想要一篇关于SUPERJUNIOR的作文,不知道哪位可以HELP ME?要是有13只个人的也行,最好有希澈的~~~~

这个是把heechul设定为哥哥的 你可以看着改改~~ 希望对你有用
You Know ? My Star Brother

All the people who has seen my brother said:” God, he should be a girl!”
Generally, the younger sister is compared with her elder sister, who is more beautiful. But, in my family, I always be compared with my elder brother , who is more beautiful, and the answers always make me disappointed. At that time, I felt that my proper pride was hurt. As a girl, I am not beautiful than a boy!
However, I have to admit that my brother is really beautiful. He doesn’t like the common korean men who has small eyes. My brother has big eyes, and his eyes are a little Deep-sunken , and very dewy., like the European. My brother has a High-bridged and pointed nose, its very exquisite . My brother’ mouth is a little thick, but it’s Well-Shaped. When my brother is thin, his face is clear-cut; when he is a little fat, he has a slight double chin., but it’s not weary. My bother is 177cm, he is shapely. His only deficiency is that he doesn’t has enough muscle.
When you see the here, you must ask, with such good appearance, is your bro an idol? Bingo! My bro is a super idol. He has a high talent on singing, host, even on playing movies. His only shortage is that he has few cells on dancing. Beside this, I think he was born for being a entertainer. My bro has a lot of fans, beside Korean, there has Chinese, Japanese, Thai, even the European. But I am not my bro’s fan, his assistance makes me feel frustrate, makes me feel that I am chickenshit. Although my bro is always good to me.
The group which my bro stays in has many persons, the total is 12. However, a song will not last 5 minutes, each one owns 2 to 3 sentences, so my bro can’t insure his place on sining. And my bro has no talent on dancing, so he towards to the host and playing movies. My bro has not only hosted many parties, but also been many broadcasting programs’ talk jockey. And he has played many movies and series as the hero.
About my brother’s talents, I think the world of his eloquence.
That day, my bro attended a variety show. There was a game in the show. Bro’s partner Siwon was failed in the game. The MC said to my bro:” Heechul, Siwon was harmed, you should be more good to him.” With all the people’s surprise, my bro said:” To make him forget this harm, I will make a new harm to make him forget the old one.”
In addition to that, my bro’s narcissism makes me intolerable. In another variety show, there was also a game. My bro’s stared at a girl’ eyes , and the girl stared at my bro, too, my bro said sincerely:” Oh, so beautiful!” The girl’s face turned red, and then my bro said:” I mean the man in your eyes …”
This is the man who I hate, but who I love, this is my brother. His name is Kim Heechul. Do you know him now?

初次之外,哥哥的自恋也让人忍无可忍。在另一个综艺节目中,进行一个游戏,哥哥注视着一个女生的眼睛,很认真的说:“哇,好漂亮啊~~” 女生十分害羞,哥哥却来了一句:“我说的是映在你眼中的我”。。。
第1个回答  2011-11-24
曾经是Super Junior唯一的中国成员和其子组合Super Junior-M的队长,目前已与SM公司解约。韩庚的舞蹈众所周知,尤其善于少数民族的传统舞蹈 。韩庚也是2008年
第2个回答  2011-11-29
I have to admit that my brother is really beautiful. He doesn’t like the common korean men who has small eyes. My brother has big eyes, and his eyes are a little Deep-sunken , and very dewy., like the European. My brother has a High-bridged and pointed nose, its very exquisite . My brother’ mouth is a little thick, but it’s Well-Shaped. When my brother is thin, his face is clear-cut; when he is a little fat, he has a slight double chin., but it’s not weary. My bother is 177cm, he is shapely. His only deficiency is that he doesn’t has enough muscle.