求泰勒斯威夫特在演唱会上drops of jupiter这首歌的中文翻译 谢谢!不要机械翻译,我看

求泰勒斯威夫特在演唱会上drops of jupiter这首歌的中文翻译 谢谢!不要机械翻译,我看到演唱会版中文歌词很好。好象是 他的步伐如夏天跳跃,他的谈吐如雨露………

You know you guys have a lot of amazing bands from this part of the world你们知道你们有很多令人惊奇的乐队来自世界的这一部分
Did you know that 你知道这个吗
Now that he's back in the atmosphere 现在他已从太空归来
With drops of Jupiter in his hair air 发间带着木星的泪滴
She acts like summer and walks like rain他举止如夏
Reminds me that there's a time to change a-a-a-ange提醒了我还来得及改变
Since the return from his stay on the moon自从他从月亮上归来
He listens like spring and he talks like June hey hey-ah hey hey-ah他想春天般聆听,像六月般言语
But tell me did you sail across the sun 告诉我,你是否在太阳中穿行
Did you make it to the Milky Way是是否到达了银河
To see the lights all faded看那星光坠落
And that heaven is overrated 而天堂则不如人们的期盼
Tell me did you fall for a shooting star 告诉我你是否为一颗流星而倾心
One without a permanent scar倾心于它的无暇
And did you missed me而你是否会想起我
While you were looking for yourself out there 当在宇宙中寻找你自己的时候
Now that he's back from that soul vacation现在他结束了灵魂之旅
Tracing his way through the constellation hey在星座中寻找他的足迹
He checks out Mozart while he does Tae-Bo他既听莫扎特也练跆拳道
Reminds me that there's room to grow hey提醒了我还有进步的空间
Now that he's back in the atmosphere现在他已从太空归来
I'm afraid that he might think of me as我担心他会以为我平淡无趣
Plain ol' Jane told a story about a man经理一个故事,关于一个人
Who was too afraid to fly so he never did land他非常害怕飞行所以从未落地
Tell me did this wind sweep you off your feet 告诉我,微风是否让你沉迷
Did you finally get the chance你是否最终得到了
To dance along the light of day与日光翩翩起舞的机会
And head back to the Milky Way 然后又返回银河系
And tell me did Venus blow your mind 告诉我,你是否惊叹于金星的魅力
Was it everything you wanted to find 这是否就是你所有的追寻
And did you missed me而你是否会想起我
While you were looking for yourself out there当在宇宙中找寻自己的时候
Can you imagine no love pride deep-fried chicken你能想象没有爱,没有自尊,没有炸鸡吗
Your best friend always sticking up for you没有最好的朋友的一种支持
Even when I know you're wrong 即使我知道错的是你
Can you imagine no first dance freeze-dried romance你能想象没有第一次的跳舞,没有速冻爱情
Five-hour phone conversation没有五小时的电话蜜语
The best soy latte that you ever had and me 没有你喝过的最好的豆奶拿铁,没有我在这里
Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet 告诉我微风是否让你沉迷
Did you finally get the chance你最终是否得到了
To dance along the light of day与日光片翩翩起舞的机遇
Head back to the Milky Way 然后又返回银河系
And tell me did you fall for a shooting star 告诉我,你是否为一颗流星而倾心
One without a permanent scar倾心于它无暇的魅力
And then you missed me而你是否会想起我
While you were looking for yourself 当在宇宙中找寻自己的时候
Na na na na
Oh oh oh
Na na na na
Oh oh oh
Can you imagine no love pride deep-fried chicken你能想象没有爱,没有自尊,没有炸鸡吗
Your best friend always sticking up for you没有最好的朋友的一种支持
Even when I know you're wrong 即使我知道错的是你
Can you imagine no first dance freeze-dried romance你能想象没有第一次的跳舞,没有速冻爱情
Five-hour phone conversation没有五小时的电话蜜语
The best soy latte that you ever had and me 没有你喝过的最好的豆奶拿铁,没有我在这里
Thank you so much 非常感谢