


The Mid-Yuan Festival,namely the half-sacrifice of ancestors in July,is also called Shigu,ghost festival,Zhaigu and local official festival. 

The festival customs mainly include sacrificing ancestors,setting out river lanterns,sacrificing dead souls,burning paper ingots,etc. 

The Mid-Yuan Festival evolved from the ancient"July and a half"harvest and autumn sacrifice to ancestors. 

July and half is a folk festival celebrating harvest and rewarding the earth in the early autumn. 

Some crops are ripe. Folks should offer sacrifices to their ancestors, using new rice and 

other sacrifices to report autumn success to their ancestors. 

It is a traditional cultural festival in memory of their ancestors.Its cultural core is to 

respect their ancestors and do filial piety.

"July and a half"was originally a folk ancestor worship festival in ancient times,and was 

called"Zhongyuan Festival".which originated from the Taoist doctrine after the Eastern.

Han Dynasty. Taoism believes that July and a half is the birthday of the local officials.

On the day of praying for their forgiveness,the Yincao Prefecture will release all ghosts. 

The deceased ancestors can go home and reunite.Therefore,the festival of sacrificing 

ancestors in July and a half autumn is called"Zhongyuan Festival". In Buddhism,it is 

called"Yulanpen Festival".In the Tang Dynasty,when the rulers respected Taoism.

Taoism's Zhongyuan Festival began to flourish,and gradually fixed"Zhongyuan"as 

festival name. Zhongyuan Festival is called"Sanyuan"together with Shangyuan Festival and Xiayuan Festival.

On July 14/15,ancestor worship is a traditional cultural festival popular in Chinese character culture circles and overseas Chinese areas.

New Year's Eve,Qingming Festival and Chongyang Festival are traditional ancestor worship festivals of the Chinese nation. 

In May 2010, the Ministry of Culture selected the Zhongyuan Festival declared,

by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as a national intangible cultural heritage list.









