
分析一下句子主谓宾 中文意思 越详细越好
1.As they do their daily exercises in the playground, they're warmly wrapped up, since the classrooms have no heating.
2.Through the Internet, it solicits donations of less than 50 cents, enough for one meal per child per day.

1. 在操场上做日常锻炼(早操)的时候,他们包得严严实实(穿很多衣服以取暖),因为教室里没暖气。
As they do their daily exercises in the playground 为时间状语从句;
they (主语)are wrapped up (谓语) - 被动语态句子中主语为谓语的承受者;
since⋯⋯ 原因状语从句

2. 它通过互联网来征求五十美分不到的捐款(每份捐款小于50分),(但这50美分)足够供每个孩子每天吃一顿饭的了。
through the internet - 方式状语
it (主语)solicits (谓语)donations(宾语)
enough for .... 宾语补足语
第1个回答  2012-02-04
1.As they do their daily exercises in the playground, they're warmly wrapped up, since the classrooms have no heating.
(本句的主语是they,谓语是are wrapped up,本句没有宾语,因为wrap是不及物动词)

2.Through the Internet, it solicits donations of less than 50 cents, enough for one meal per child per day.
(本句的主语是it,谓语是solicits,宾语是donations of less than 50 cents)
第2个回答  2012-02-04
1.As they do their daily exercises in the playground, they're warmly wrapped up, since the classrooms have no heating.
2.Through the Internet, it solicits donations of less than 50 cents, enough for one meal per child per day.