
随着计算机应用的高速发展,以数据库为基础的管理信息系统的需求量迅猛增长,且在人力资源管理中的应用也日趋广泛。企业员工信息管理工作是目前企业各项工作中的重点工作之一,如何能科学有效的开展好人事工作,是当前企业普遍关心的问题。因此,实现企业员工工作的信息化管理有着十分重要的实践意义。 本系统是采用原型化设计方法,按照系统分析-概要设计-详细设计-用户界面设计-系统调试-软件归档的工作进度,首先在概要设计的基础上细化了系统各部分的功能结构,然后按照软件功能结构的设计完成了各个模块的设计,最终实现了预期的目标,本课题使用的是Visual Studio 2008作为前台开发工具,利用其提供的各种面向对象的特性,SQL Server作为后台数据库平台的基于B/S的三层模式的管理系统。旨在实现对现有的企业人事管理工作中遇到的各种情况和大量数据进行数据库存储的基础上,设计并完成对以下三个方面的功能:1. 职工和部门信息的管理;2.员工调配信息的管理(包括添加、删除和修改) 3.员工薪资方方管理。尽可能实现各类方便友好的操作界面,本系统的开发基本满足企业信息管理的要求,最后实现了员工档案系统程序,使之正常运行,完成总体规划。

Following the rapid development of computer usage, Systematic information management bases on data storage are in huge demand. And human resource applications are also becoming more widely use. Enterprises staff management information is the most important work among other enterprises works. How to use technologies to help and improve workers efficiency are all the enterprises common and foremost concerned questions. Therefore, to materialise the enterprises staff management information has a very important practical meaning。This system is an original model design. The system outlines: overall design; in details design; user interface design; system de-bugging and software filing progress schedule. First of all, the overall design based on the detailed functions and structure of all parts, then according to the structural design of the software functions completing every individual model design. Finally achieve the expected set goals. This course is using Visual Studio 2008 as front desk development tools. Using the orientated object of various characters it has provided. SQL Server as the background data base platform based on B/S model of 3 level management systems. . Aiming at the realization of the existing enterprise workers management work across a variety of conditions and a large database of data storage, based on the design and complete to the function of the following three aspects: 1. Staff and departmental management information. 2. Staff deployments management information (which includes add on; delete off and modify). 3. Staff and directors salaries management information. It has Achieved with user friendly interface and all kinds of convenient in every possible way. This system has basically fulfilled all enterprises management information requirements. And finally, it had finalised the staff record system procedure. Making it function normally and completed the overall plan.
第1个回答  2012-02-11
The computer application of rapid development, based on the database of the information management system of rapid growth in demand, and in human resources management of application has become more and more widely. Enterprise staff is at present the enterprise information management of each work on one of the work, how can a scientific and effective develops the personnel work, is the enterprise common concern. Therefore, the realization enterprise employees work in the information management is very important practical significance. This system is the prototype methods, according to the system analysis-outline design-the detailed design-user interface design-the system debugging-the software filing work schedule, the first in the general design based on detailed the system the functions of the parts of the structure, then according to the structural design of the software functions finish
第2个回答  2012-02-11
Along with the computer application of rapid development, based on the database of the information management system of rapid growth in demand, and in human resources management of application has become more and more widely. Enterprise staff is at present the enterprise information management of each work on one of the work, how can a scientific and effective develops the personnel work, is the enterprise common concern. Therefore, the realization enterprise employees work in the information management is very important practical significance. This system is the prototype methods, according to the system analysis-outline design-the detailed design-user interface design-the system debugging-the software filing work schedule, the first in the general design based on detailed the system the functions of the parts of the structure, then according to the software function structure design of each module design completed, and finally achieve the desired goals, this topic is using Visual Studio 2008 as the front desk development tool, using the various characteristics of the object oriented, SQL Server as the background of the database platform based on B/S model of the three levels of management system. Aiming at the realization of the existing enterprise personnel management work across a variety of conditions and a large database of data storage, based on the design and complete to the function of the following three aspects: 1. The staff and workers and the department of management information; 2. The deployment of the management staff information (including add, delete and modify) 3. All staff salary management. Realize all kinds of convenient as possible friendly user interface, the development of the system basically meet the requirements of the enterprise information management, and finally realize the staff file system programming, the normal operation, complete planning.