
精美粤菜椒盐千里香红葱头土鸡江西白切鸡江南水晶鸡江南香酥鸭椒盐基围虾黄金烧墨鱼山椒掌中宝沙姜焖鸭红烧乳鸽银杏猪肚茶树菇烧排骨西芹百合炒虾仁荷兰豆炒鲜尤江南小炒皇菠萝生炒骨台式小炒客家酿豆腐榄菜肉松四季豆金沙茶树菇凉瓜滑蛋豆豉鲮鱼麦菜咸蛋黄南瓜鸡汁娃娃菜经典川菜香辣基围虾农家烧野鱼水煮鱼酸菜鱼剁椒鱼头鲜椒嫩鱼片泡椒牛肉牙签牛肉剁椒牛柳青花椒烧田鸡仔姜爆鸭山城毛血旺干锅肥肠尖椒童子鸡歌乐山辣子鸡青椒鸡水煮肉片农家小炒肉四川回锅肉红烧肉鱼香肉丝干椒炒猪耳特色酱爆肉莴笋炒腊肉青椒炒肉丝虎皮青椒家常豆腐无骨鸡脚丰收黄金粒锅仔萝卜片攸县香干尖椒炒蛋鸳鸯豆腐秘制玉米烙蚂蚁上树盆仔花菜茄角之恋麻婆豆腐干煸四季豆清炒莴笋丝炝炒藕片手撕包菜  营养简餐鲍汁海鲜烩饭鲍汁鸡粒饭尖椒牛肉饭泡椒牛肉饭金针菇牛肉饭咖喱牛肉饭凉瓜牛肉饭萝卜牛腩饭美味鸭肾饭美味胗把饭美味牛肚饭台湾卤肉饭泡椒肥肠饭白切鸡饭水晶鸡饭青椒鸡饭凉拌鸡块饭香辣鸡丁饭香菇滑鸡饭咖喱鸡饭泡椒鸡杂饭泡椒鱿鱼饭香辣排骨饭豉汁排骨饭清蒸排骨饭茶树菇排骨饭泡椒田鸡饭泡椒猪肝饭泡椒排骨饭红烧肉饭回锅肉饭三椒肉沫饭干椒猪耳饭干煸肥肠饭青椒肉丝饭鱼香肉丝饭芹菜香干肉丝饭锅仔萝卜饭西式蛋包饭麻婆豆腐饭凉瓜滑蛋饭

Exquisite cantonese salt &pepper Trinidad sweet red onion turkeys JiangXiBai chicken South crystal chicken......................
第1个回答  2012-02-11
Exquisite cuisine and thyme Red Onion Chicken and Jiangxi chicken Jiangnan Jiangnan crystal chicken crispy duck pepper base surround shrimp gold inkfish mountain pepper palm-top ginger stewed duck roast pigeon ginkgo tripe mushroom pork chop fried shrimp with snow peas fried celery Lily fresh squid Jiangnan gift grand pineapple fried bone desktop gift bean curd Rugby vegetables dried bean tea mushroom balsam pear slip sands egg yolk pumpkin fermented soybean dace wheat and vegetables chicken sauce dish classic doll Sichuan spicy shrimp farm burning wild fish poached fish pickled cabbage fish Duojiaoyutou fresh pepper pickle beef with chopped pepper toothpick beef tender fish cow Liu Qing pepper burn frog young ginger duck mountain Maoxue Wang dry pot broth pepper Geleshan spicy chicken spring chicken chicken with green pepper fried meat Sichuan shuizhuroupian farmhouse pork pork braised in brown sauce fish-flavored pork dry pepper sauce pig ear characteristics of meat fried bacon lettuce shredded pork with green pepper green skin tofu home-style boneless chicken feet harvest gold particle Guozi radish slices dried capsicum scrambled tofu Youxian mandarin duck homemade baked corn ants on the tree basin Aberdeen cauliflower tomato angle love Mapo Tofu Fried String beans fried lettuce wire Qiang fried lotus root shredded cabbage nutrition meal Abalone Sauce Seafood Risotto Abalone Sauce Chicken Rice with pickled pepper beef rice beef rice gold Needle mushroom beef curry beef with bitter melon rice radish sirloin rice duck gizzard rice is delicious food delicious renal tripe braised pork rice rice Taiwan pickle broth rice chicken rice crystal chicken chicken with green pepper and rice with chicken rice spicy chicken rice rice with mushrooms and chicken chicken curry chicken rice with pickled pepper squid meal spicy spareribs rice bean sauce spareribs steamed spareribs with mushroom pork chop rice rice rice with pickled pickle pickle frog pig spareribs braised rice cooker with three pepper minced meat rice stem pepper pig ear of rice fried rice broth Pepper Pork Rice shredded pork rice celery shredded pork rice cooker of Aberdeen carrot rice Western omelet Mapo Tofu rice cucumber egg rice
第2个回答  2012-02-14
Cantonese cuisine fine salt &pepper Trinidad sweet red onion native JiangXiBai chicken jiangnan crystal chicken jiangnan crisp duck salty Fried shrimp gold and cuttlefish mountain pepper handheld devices sand ginger stew braise in soy sauce duck squab gingko tea mushroom you should try barbecued spareribs celery lily Fried shrimps with Fried fresh frozen YouJiangNa starch huang pineapple health speculation bone desktop starch hakka) bean curd lam food shredded green beans sands LiangGua slippery egg fermented tea mushroom LingYu wheat food salty yolk pumpkin juice doll classic chicken dish sichuan spicy burn wild fish farm shrimp boiled fish fish head chopped fresh chili pepper pickled tender beef fillet bubble chili pepper NiuLiuQing chopped beef toothpick prickly ash and field chickee ginger blasting duck blood pot dry hair mountain city excess fatty intestine JianJiao Eddie curry LaZiJi green pepper chicken boiled meat gele mountain peasant dishes meat braise in soy sauce meat same tasty dish sichuan fish