仁爱版英语教材 初中三年 有关“take”或“turn”词组短语归纳 (含中文)

教材在不断更新啊,求最新的!一定是要仁爱的!最好有语法!例子:turn down 调小 这样子的

A. vt. (1)拿 Taking a sheet of paper, she began to write.
(2)带(往某处) After that she took us to Rome.
Take a little more bread. He took some medicine.
(4)乘坐 They took a taxi home.
(5)采取,接受,选择He took a doctor’s degree.
After lots of thinking, she took the job.
(6)测量;照(像);记录Let me take your blood pressure.
We took a few pictures of the hill.
(7)对待;接受 You cannot take this too seriously.
(8)需要How long does it take to finish washing these dishes?
(9)攻下 They took the town by surprise.
take a chance碰碰运气
take one’s seat坐下;就座
take a turn for the better好转
take a vote表决
take advantage of利用;占便宜
take aim at…瞄准
take part in…参加
take A as B当成
take…by surprise突然袭击
take care 当心
take care of…照顾;负责
take charge of…负责
take delight/ pleasure/ interest /pride in…喜欢、以……自豪
take effect生效
take A for B=take A to be B认为A是B
take…for granted视为当然,想必是
Some students take it for granted that English is easy to learn.
take hold of…抓住;握住
take…into consideration把……纳入考虑范围内
take it easy别紧张;放开些;放松些
take note/notice of…注意;留心
take notes记录
take office上任;就职
take on…雇佣;呈现
take one’s time从容从事;慢慢来
take pains/trouble to do sth.不辞辛劳地做
take place发生;举行
take root生根
take shape成型
take the chair主持会议
take the place of…代替
take turns to do sth.= take turns in doing sth.轮流做
take warning from…引以为戒;吸取教训
be taken ill/sick生病
take a short cut走捷径

A. vi. 转弯,转身,转动 The planet turns round the sun.
I turned and saw a boy running away.
B. vt. (1)转向,转动 Please turn your eyes this way.
Nothing can turn us from our purpose.
The doctor turned him over and looked at his back.
C. link v.变得 Her face turned pale at the news.
His hair is turning grey.
The weather suddenly turned cold.
Later he turned doctor.
turn a deaf ear to sth. 不听;不理睬
turn a blind eye to sth. 不看;不理睬
They turned a deaf ear to the people’s sufferings.
They turned a blind eye to our demands.
turn… aside避开;转变方向
turn back转过身来;赶回去
turn A into B把A变成B
turn out关上;解雇;证明是,结果是,实际情况是
The day turned out fine. He turned out to be a traitor.
It turned out that he had never been there.
turn one’s back on…对不理睬
turn one’s head使头晕/昏
turn one’s stomach使作呕
I turned over the keys to Mr. Smith.
He turned over all the tables in anger.
He turned over one page or two and gave up.
turn to sb. for help/advice求助于
turn to…翻到
turn up露面, 出席
He turned up the dictionary and found the explanation.
turn…upside down/ inside out颠倒, 翻过来