求英文翻译 Steve Jobs steps down (“设计奇才”乔布斯告别苹果王国)(语序要调好的)

  WHEN every Apple fan was waiting for the next surprise from Steve Jobs,the CEO of the famous computer company shocked the world with his recent decision-he quit.      According to foreign newspapers,Jobs,56,quit because of his health.Jobs got cancer in 2004.He had to leave Apple twice for treatment.      Jobs and Apple made a great team.The famous business magazine Fortune named Jobs"the CEO of the Decade".A US poll found Jobs the most asmired businessman among American youth.      In a speech he gave at Stanford  University in 2005,Jobs shared the true secret of his success.      "The only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did."      Jobs found out what  he loved early in life.He started Apple at age 21 in his home with his friend Steve Wozniak.      Even as a young man,Jobs was never one who followed the rules.He dropped out of college after only six months.He quit his first job to backpack around India.Jobs says that those early experiences made him creative.They broadened his mind and helped to create Apple`s "think different "spirit.       "Don`t waste time living someone else`s life...Don`t let the noise of other`s opinions silence your own voice...follow your heart and intuition.Nothing else is really important." 

当热爱"苹菓"的人士正盼望下一个惊奇的新产品时,却被这间著名的电脑公司总裁乔布斯最近辞职的消息所震撼。据外国报章报道,56岁的乔布斯时因病请辞的。乔布斯在2004年得了癌症曾经两度离任接受治疗。乔布斯与苹菓是好伙伴,著名的生意杂志《财富》提名乔布斯为"十年来最佳公司总裁"。据美国一个民意调查,乔布斯是美国青少年最崇拜的生意人。2005年,他在史坦福大学的一次演讲中,把他成功的真正秘密拿出来与大家共享:"惟一使他孜孜不倦的是他做著自己要做的事"。乔布斯在早年即已找到了自己的喜爱,21岁起和朋友Steve Wozniak便开始了"苹菓"电脑。 就算在年青时他已不尊行常规,进入大学6个月即已退了学,也放弃了第一任工作到印度做背包旅行。乔布斯说那早期的经验给予他创作了"苹菓不同想法"的灵感,"不要活在他人的生活方式而浪费时间,不要让他人意见的嘈音淹没了你自己的声浪,要追随你的自觉和心思,那是没有其他甚麼更重要的"
第1个回答  2012-02-15