
这汤闻上去真香!我都等不及要尝尝了.(can't wait to)
我们不会讲意大利语,那我们到了意大利应该说什么语言呢?( be supposed to)
天看上去好象要下雨了,别忘了带伞.(as thougt)
他是个自私的人,你不能对他有太多的期望.(expect ..from)
他们的球队是这个国家最棒的,当然应该打赢这场比赛.(deserve to)
她很累,想要好好睡1觉.(feel like)
哪个地方很好找,你可以坐25路或者65路公交车.(either or)
我这一周都将会很忙,没有时间和你去购物.(have no time to)

这汤闻上去真香!我都等不及要尝尝了.(can't wait to)
The soup smells so nice that I can't wait to taste it.
我们不会讲意大利语,那我们到了意大利应该说什么语言呢?( be supposed to)
We can't speak Italian.What language are we supposed to speak when we get to Italy?
天看上去好象要下雨了,别忘了带伞.(as though)
It looks as though it is going to rain.Don't forget to take an umbrella.
他是个自私的人,你不能对他有太多的期望.(expect ..from)
He is a selfish man.You can't expect toom much from him.
他们的球队是这个国家最棒的,当然应该打赢这场比赛.(deserve to)
Their team is the best one in this country.They certainly deserve to win this match.
她很累,想要好好睡1觉.(feel like)
She was very tired,and she felt like having a good sleep.
那个地方很好找,你可以坐25路或者65路公交车.(either or)
The place is easy to find. You can take No.25 or No.65 bus.
我这一周都将会很忙,没有时间和你去购物.(have no time to)
I will be very busy this week and I have no time to go shopping with you.
第1个回答  2007-10-14
1。The soup smells good and I can't wait to having a try.
2。We can't speak Italian ,so what are we supposed to speak in Italy?
3.It seems to rain and please bring the umbrella with you as thought.
4.He is a selfish person and you shouldn't except more from him.
5.Their team is the best in the country ,so they deserve to win the game.
6.She is very tired and feels like going to sleep.
7.It is easy to find it.You can take either the 25 bus or the 65 bus there.
8.I will be busy this week,so I will have no time to go shopping with you.
第2个回答  2007-10-14
有问题,应是:The soup smells good that I can't wait to taste it.
I was busy this week, so I have no time to go shopping with you.
第3个回答  2007-10-14
1,the soup smells good.I can't wait to have it.
2,we can't speak Italian.What are we supposed to speak in Italy.
3,don't forget to carry umbrella because it looks as though going to rain
4, he's selfish man.you can't expect a lot from him
5, their team is the best one in the country. of course it deserves to win this match.
6, she's tired so that felt like sleeping
7, that place is easy to find. you can take either bus 25 or bus 65 to get there.
8,this week I'll be very busy. so I have no time to go shopping with you.
第4个回答  2007-10-14
这汤闻上去真香!我都等不及要尝尝了.(can't wait to)
The soup smells good and I can't wait to taste.
我们不会讲意大利语,那我们到了意大利应该说什么语言呢?( be supposed to)
We can't speak Italian ,so what shoud we speak when we are supposed to Italy.
天看上去好象要下雨了,别忘了带伞.(as thougt)
It looks as thoug it is going to rain ,don't forget to take an umbrellar.
他是个自私的人,你不能对他有太多的期望.(expect ..from)
He is a selfish man ,you can't expect too much from him.
他们的球队是这个国家最棒的,当然应该打赢这场比赛.(deserve to)
Their football team is best in the country,they deserve to win the match.
她很累,想要好好睡1觉.(feel like)
She is too tired ,she feels like sleeping.
哪个地方很好找,你可以坐25路或者65路公交车.(either or)
The area is easy to find,you can take either NO25 or NO65 bus to get there
我这一周都将会很忙,没有时间和你去购物.(have no time to)
I will be busy all this week and I have no time to go shopping with you.