They listen to the videos as students from other cities share their stories of how their reckless driving affected not only their lives but also those of their passengers.
as students from other cities share their stories of how their reckless driving affected not only their lives but also those of their passengers 这个从句是同位语从句,相当于前面的名词video,意思是:其他城市的学生分享鲁莽的驾驶不仅危害(影响生命不好,用危害转译)了他们自己的生命,还有乘客的生命 他们收看(用“听”很别扭)什么的视频 整个句子:他们收看来自其他城市学生分享他们自身经验的视频,鲁莽驾驶不仅危害了他们自己的生命,还会危害乘客的生命