

第1个回答  2022-11-13
Poplar leaves are green at first, turn yellow gradually, and then wither and fall. Looking from afar, the impression of poplar trees is green and luxuriant. A closer look shows that the trees are strong and straight. Then from the bottom to the top, it seems that the tall body drive is tightly absorbed by the blue sky, and straight into the cloud.
When spring comes, you can see that the poplar trees are green again. In the dead branches, there are young buds. They are so green, so tender, and so weak, like a new baby from head to foot. After several spring rains, the buds become *** all leaves. The leaves are so green, so tender, so lively and lovely. A spring breeze blows by. The leaves seem to say, "look, I'm growing up." It's like saying, "spring is beautiful!"
Autumn, autumn is fresh. My leaf babies took off their green clothes, put on their golden dresses, and a gust of autumn wind blew by. My children left me reluctantly. They began to wander around, some drifted to the fields, some drifted to the orchard, some drifted to the soil, and put them into the arms of the earth mother. After they rotted, they became nutrients, which were delivered to me.
In winter, the wind is howling. Now I am a bare poplar tree. The birds flying south will stop on my bare branches for a rest. It snows. The snow falls on me. I want to cover the quilt for me. I sleep sweetly. I'll be alive again next spring.
In spring, a gust of spring wind blows, and yellow leaves sprout on the trees. The tender green leaves gradually become so full of life. When we went to school, they defended us like tall soldiers, as if telling us to study hard, as they did.
The poplar is a symbol of unity. When the rainstorm strikes, the poplar trees are close together, not hiding or hiding. They stand tall and fight against the wind and rain. When the light rain irrigates them, they take their own, not fighting or robbing. Why don't people, Like poplars, unite as one? In this way, there will be less trouble in the world.
Out of the window, the poplar tree has already become bald, and there are no leaves left on its branches. Such trees have become a different landscape in the northern winter campus. They are not as lush as pine trees all the year round, and they can't stand the wind and snow with the most gorgeous posture like wintersweet. They just stood on both sides of the school road, naked and straight, forming a different scene.
The white green stem of the poplar tree is straight and straight. It is two or three stories high. Generally, there is no side branch within two or three meters. All the branches and leaves grow upward and close together. Standing under the tree, I look up and see the leaves are lush. The heart-shaped leaves are silvery in the sun. As long as the wind blows gently, the leaves will crash.
In summer, they grow stronger and stronger with trees. Their leaves are big and green, as big as our hands. Bright leaves shine in our eyes, as if each green leaf has a new life in the vibration. The green leaves leave no space, like a big green umbrella, to protect us from the hot sun. Our pupils are playing under the tree. And their big students, every time they run in circles, stop to look at the poplar tree. They don't come back, no matter how the teacher calls them.
In spring, poplars sprouted green shoots, showing a new green. After a spring rain, the leaves with crystal clear dew, as if there are countless life flowers in the shaking. The leaves were green, shining like water under the sun.
Summer has arrived, I become luxuriant, open a huge green umbrella for people, bring people a green shade. When the sun is burning, the sun is baking the earth. When people are tired, they can sit under me to enjoy the
and rest. When the children are tired, they can rest on me and keep their spirit and then play My biggest role is to absorb carbon dioxide and provide people with oxygen.
Poplar is a common tree, as long as there is soil, it can grow, it does not need people's care, as long as a piece of open space for it, it will be straight up. Poplars never fear difficulties, never give in, nor will they bow their heads in the storm. Even in the cold winter, poplars only have bare trunks, but their vitality is very strong. They stand in the snow like red plum trees. When the wind and snow are mixed, the poplars still stand there.
In summer, it's the time when poplar trees grow vigorously. At this time, poplar branches are luxuriant and luxuriant. It uses its luxuriant branches and leaves to cover up the fierce sunshine, so that we can enjoy the shade and play
In summer, the branches and leaves are verdant, and the thick layers of branches and leaves block the blazing sunshine, so we can play in the open space as usual, without feeling the heat. At this time, occasionally a few birds will come, while falling on the poplar tree to enjoy the , while crying, bringing us beautiful songs.
Sometimes the poplars are like football fans. When there's no wind, they watch the game attentively. When the
wind comes, they look like they see some fierce scenes. They wave their hands and look like the tide! Sometimes the poplars are like tug of war generals. The wires become ropes. The little hands hold them hard. Their eyes are like a lion. The game starts. The two sides don't give way to each other. They fight for your death I live, so exciting! When I have nothing to do, poplar is like a long-time friend, chatting about my career, so happy!
Around the poplar trees, it becomes a paradise for us to study and play. When we feel hot, we enjoy the
under the poplar tree. Sometimes, we play around the poplar tree. Sometimes, we play and study under the poplar tree. Every summer, the students are playing around the poplar tree happily. At this time, I feel that the poplar tree is my best partner.
In spring, flowers are blooming, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant. I took off my winter withered clothes, greedily sucked the spring dew, spit out the *** ooth and green leaves, the birds sang in my branches, the butterflies danced around me, and the father-in-law of the sun shone on me and warmed me with his warm sunshine. Spring rain sand, spring rain sister with its thin rain moisten me, caress me. My leaves grow up and become more green.
