

U.S. space shuttle Atlantis last space mission ended, the U.S. aerospace industry can not say that this halt, but to then reach its former glory, is very difficult. After the development of the U.S. aerospace industry to wait for a period, and returning to the moon will be postponed indefinitely.
The service after the end of Atlantis, the world's only manned fly to Russia, a country's international space station, so people were happy because of the economic development of emerging countries and the strength of the aerospace industry is eager to improve on, such as China, India, South Korea, Brazil, these countries have their own space program. But all of the emerging economies in space technology are also facing insurmountable difficulties, still spend a lot of time to repeatedly take the United States, Russia, space technology research and development journey. So, the reality is that these emerging economies, although the bright shining ideal space, although the strength is enough, but there is still a long way to go. When the field of space technology and space are only one or two state monopoly, when the place like the United States announced the end of the shuttle era, when people ask, human space exploration really want to because of the lack of economic power or technology barriers and stop it? Why can not cooperate, give global capacity, the ability of mankind to explore space? Space already belongs to everyone, does not belong to any country.
Atlantis issued a "farewell tour" at the same time, emerging economies, a new beginning for the space industry has just begun, the pace of human exploration of space will not stop, it is reasonable to expect that human beings can be launched in space communication and cooperation.
第1个回答  2013-03-01
U.S. space shuttle Atlantis last space mission ended, the U.S. aerospace industry can not say that this halt, but to then reach its former glory, is very difficult. After the development of the U.S. aerospace industry to wait for a period, and returning to the moon will be postponed indefinitely.
The service after the end of Atlantis, the world's only manned fly to Russia, a country's international space station, so people were happy because of the economic development of emerging countries and the strength of the aerospace industry is eager to improve on, such as China, India, South Korea, Brazil, these countries have their own space program. But all of the emerging economies in space technology are also facing insurmountable difficulties, still spend a lot of time to repeatedly take the United States, Russia, space technology research and development journey. So, the reality is that these emerging economies, although the bright shining ideal space, although the strength is enough, but there is still a long way to go. When the field of space technology and space are only one or two state monopoly, when the place like the United States announced the end of the shuttle era, when people ask, human space exploration really want to because of the lack of economic power or technology barriers and stop it? Why can not cooperate, give global capacity, the ability of mankind to explore space? Space already belongs to everyone, does not belong to any country.
Atlantis issued a "farewell tour" at the same time, emerging economies, a new beginning for the space industry has just begun, the pace of human exploration of space will not stop, it is reasonable to expect that human beings can be launched in space communication and cooperation.
第2个回答  2011-08-27