会翻译的帮我这段英语翻译成汉语:Practical, convenient, comfortable?

Practical, convenient, comfortable, safe, hygienic and beautiful are good feng shui. To measure by these standards is both practical and easy to master.
Consistent with the above point of view, Fengshui positive interpretation; contrary to the above point of view, Fengshui negative interpretation. The complete set of houses in modern residential quarters are designed and built according to this concept, and can only be evaluated according to this concept.
What is the best Feng Shui? ——The best geomantic omen is the balance of mind. No greed, no desire, no extravagance, no unexpected desire is good geomantic omen. Fengshui is the right choice of living terrain.
My conclusion in hundreds of sites is that most of them have the characteristics of Fengshui Liqi and compass, which should obviously have a certain compass cultural meaning, but they are basically rejected by one vote, which is due to the limitation of terrain, leaving no suanmianzhun.com continuous population. The example I found in reality is that the terrain is illegal, Fengshui Liqi, compass use is like a joke, meaningless.
So I have: practical, convenient, comfortable, safe, hygienic, beautiful is good feng shui, "what is Feng Shui? It is more beneficial to think from a scientific point of view. In the past, houses could not be built in many areas, but now there are steel, cement, glass, tap water, electricity and gas, which can be built and built. High quality building materials have overcome the limitations of poor terrain.
Tap water, water, water, grass, pine, fire, steel, cement, glass wall, tap water, electricity and gas are two kinds of geomancy. They also represent the progress of the times and the unprecedented hitherto unknown science. In the era of wood, earth, paper windows, water lifting, thatch and pine trees, we can only choose low-lying areas with the wind and the sun. Houses can not be high, they can only be short.






第1个回答  2021-02-25
Practical, convenient, comfortable, safe, hygienic and beautiful are good feng shui. To measure by these standards is both practical and easy to master. Consistent with the above point of view, Fengshui positive interpretation; contrary to the above point of view, Fengshui negative interpretation. The complete set of houses in modern residential quarters are designed and built according to this concept, and can only be evaluated according to this concept. What is the best Feng Shui? ——The best geomantic omen is the balance of mind. No greed, no desire, no extravagance, no unexpected desire is good geomantic omen. Fengshui is the right choice of living terrain. My conclusion in hundreds of sites is that most of them have the characteristics of Fengshui Liqi and compass, which should obviously have a certain compass cultural meaning, but they are basically rejected by one vote, which is due to the limitation of terrain, leaving no suanmianzhun.com continuous population. The example I found in reality is that the terrain is illegal, Fengshui Liqi, compass use is like a joke, meaningless. So I have: practical, convenient, comfortable, safe, hygienic, beautiful is good feng shui, "what is Feng Shui? It is more beneficial to think from a scientific point of view. In the past, houses could not be built in many areas, but now there are steel, cement, glass, tap water, electricity and gas, which can be built and built. High quality building materials have overcome the limitations of poor terrain. Tap water, water, water, grass, pine, fire, steel, cement, glass wall, tap water, electricity and gas are two kinds of geomancy. They also represent the progress of the times and the unprecedented hitherto unknown science. In the era of wood, earth, paper windows, water lifting, thatch and pine trees, we can only choose low-lying areas with the wind and the sun. Houses can not be high, they can only be short.
