Marilyn Manson -Tourniquet的歌词及中文翻译。


She's made of hair and bone and little teeth她由头发骨头和小牙齿
And things I cannot speak和一些我不能形容的东西组成
She comes on like a crippled plaything她像一个残缺的玩具人偶一样登场了
Spine is just a string脊椎只是一条木偶的牵线
I wrapped our love in all this foil我把我们的爱全部缠绕在这个金属片上
Silver-tight like spider legs银色的紧身衣像蜘蛛的腿
I never wanted it to ever spoil我永远不希望它被毁掉
But flies will always lay their eggs但是苍蝇将会产卵
Take your hatred out on me消除你对我的憎恨
Make your victim my head把你的牺牲告诉我
You never ever believed in me你从来没有相信过我
I am you tourniquet我是你的止血带
Prosthetic synthesis with butterfly用蝴蝶结接合修复
Sealed up with virgin stitch会用针线封闭你的处女膜
If it hurts just tell me如果它破了只要告诉我一声
Preserve the innocent保持纯洁
I never wanted it to end like this我永远不希望它这样结束
But flies will lay their eggs但是苍蝇将会产卵
Take your hatred out on me消除你对我的憎恨
Make your victim my head把你的牺牲告诉我
You never ever believed in me你从来没有相信过我