a great deal of和a big deal的区别


"a great deal of"和"a great deal"都是用于描述大量的东西或情况的短语。然而,它们在释义区别、用法区别、使用环境区别、影响范围区别和形象区别方面有一些区别。

1. 释义区别:

- "a great deal of" 表示一个大量的、不可数的事物或情况。

- "a great deal" 表示一个大量的、可数的事物或情况。


- There is a great deal of water in the ocean. (在海洋中有很多水)

- I bought a great deal of books at the bookstore. (我在书店买了很多书)

2. 用法区别:

- "a great deal of" 后面通常跟着不可数名词或抽象概念。

- "a great deal" 后面通常跟着可数名词。


- She has a great deal of patience. (她有很多耐心)

- They found a great deal of evidence at the crime scene. (他们在犯罪现场找到了很多证据)

3. 使用环境区别:

- "a great deal of" 更常见于正式或书面语境。

- "a great deal" 更常见于口语和非正式语境。


- The professor conducted a great deal of research on the topic. (教授在该主题上进行了大量的研究)

- We talked a great deal about our future plans. (我们详细讨论了我们的未来计划)

4. 影响范围区别:

- "a great deal of" 表示一种普遍或广泛的影响。

- "a great deal" 表示一种具体或局部的影响。


- The economic crisis caused a great deal of unemployment. (经济危机导致了大量的失业)

- The new policy had a great deal of impact on the local community. (新政策对当地社区产生了很大的影响)

5. 形象区别:

- "a great deal of" 在形象上更加正式、正规。

- "a great deal" 在形象上更加口语化、非正式。


- The CEO has a great deal of responsibility. (首席执行官拥有很大的责任)

- My friend talks a great deal about his hobbies. (我的朋友经常谈论他的爱好)
